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Re: careless upload of Erlang v24 without a transition tracking with the release team (was: rabbitmq-server fails to start after erlang v24 update)


Sorry my previous message was weird.

On 27-08-2021 22:11, Paul Gevers wrote:
> On 27-08-2021 21:58, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
>> One thing that happens when you do this type of change without
>> coordination is that all CI pipelines on unstable where rabbitmq-server
>> is installed are now broken. For example all merge requests against
>> debci at the moment have their tests in "failed" status. This creates
>> unnecessary noise for a lot of people.
> rabbitmq-server already got an update, so unstable should be fine (if
> not, shout (or better, file bugs)). I expect you mean testing, as I
> think that the point is that erlang already migrated before the issue
> was detected, otherwise an RC bug would have prevented the migration.
> That's why it was suggested earlier that rabbitmq-server should grow an
> autopkgtest as that have would prevented the migration.

What I should have said:
we could have prevented migration of erlang until the reverse
dependencies were ready by having an RC bug on erlang. That would have
been totally appropriate if it would have lasted an reasonable time. I
*think* rabbitmq-server has problems migrating now *because* erlang
migrated, but that should clear up once the references are tested again.
However, it *also* has issues with being uninstallable.


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