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Bug#998057: transition: r-api-bioc-3.14

On 1 December 2021 9:36:00 pm IST, Andreas Tille <tille@debian.org> wrote:
>Hi Graham,
>Am Wed, Dec 01, 2021 at 01:33:15PM +0200 schrieb Graham Inggs:
>> On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 at 13:03, Nilesh Patra <nilesh@riseup.net> wrote:
>> > One i386 autopkgtest failure for r-bioc-biocparallel is stalling the entire migration. Rest stuff looks okay.
>> There's at least one more regression; in gffread, caused by
>> r-bioc-gviz [1].  Please check that each r-bioc* package is ready to
>> migrate.
>I absolutely fail to understand why the excuses mechanism is actually
>blaming r-bioc-gviz to be responsible to cause that autopkgtest error.
>I even fail to understand why it ends up in an error while there are
>warnings only.  I've re-triggered gffread CI test in Salsa[2] which is
>Any idea what might be wrong here?
>Kind regards
>       Andreas.
>> [1] https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=r-bioc-gviz
>[2] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/gffread/-/jobs/2236429

Because the version from testing 0.12.1-4 is failing which does not have allow-stderr restriction.

The new version 0.12.7 you uploaded has it. The new version is blocked from migrating because of libgclib.
libgclib is further blocked from migrating because of ABI breakage. And this change is in NEW.

So we are moving in circles. Why are simple changes so slow so god damn difficult to do at times?!

I guess a not very good workaround would be to add an explicit breaks for gffread (<< 0.12.1-4~)  in r-bioc-gviz that would tell Britney the right thing to do. More ideas welcome.


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