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openjdk-8 vs. nvidia-openjdk-8-jre


TIL about the existence of nvidia-openjdk-8-jre.

Would it not be better to drop that and remove the bug deliberately
blocking openjdk-8 from entering testing/stable? We only added it so
there does not have to be formal security support for more than one

And I’ve been building openjdk-8 for buster/bullseye/bookworm for a
while already, privately (for i386 and amd64), anyway, as people are
still using it, and *buntu also ships it and updates it in all LTS
releases. Freexian ELTS is also supporting it in jessie and stretch,
for the architectures these support.

The other side would be nvidia-openjdk-8-jre is in non-free and only
available for two architectures, so less people would install it, and
it’s JRE-only, AFAICT. If worry about people installing openjdk-8 is
a factor, I can understand the split, but from a technical PoV I don’t
see the duplication as a good solution.

Options are probably: keep things as is, drop nvidia-openjdk-8-jre in
favour of openjdk-8 in trixie/sid, or drop it everywhere and build
openjdk-8 for {,{,old}old}stable as well. I don’t mind any, I just
wondered and wanted to provide an impulse to think about this.

15:41⎜<Lo-lan-do:#fusionforge> Somebody write a testsuite for helloworld :-)

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