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Bug#813771: reportbug: It can't unselect item in 'Do any of the following apply to this report' page.

Dear Takahide Nojima,

First let me apologize for the long delay in responding. You have put a
lot of work into researching possible improvements and developing and
submitting a patch. Thank you so much! This is a really nice contribution.

>  Would you please consider applying for this patch and releasing a> newer version of reportbug?
I have tried the proposed change and still have some questions:

 - Is it possible to more clearly highlight the selected row(s)? Some of
the menus can be quite long with a lot of text, and the radiobutton or
checkbox is relatively tiny. It would be nice if the selected option(s)
stand out more.

 - Also to mark a row it is now necessary to click on the radiobutton or
checkbox. Is it possible to have a click anywhere on a row toggle the
selection status of that option?

 - Is it possible, when using checkboxes, to have a way to enforce that
not more than option is selected? The mailer selection menu is an
example menu where it should be possible to not have any option
selected, but where being able to select more than one option does not
make sense either.

Instead of sending a patch by email, if you like you can also submit a
merge request on salsa. With that it is easy to discuss specific changes
in the code directly.

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