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Re: RFS: bluefeather 0.40-1

I'm very sorry for my late response.

At Fri, 25 Feb 2011 15:09:02 -0300,
Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@softwarelivre.org> wrote:
> As I understand from bluefeather's documentation, it is also supposed to
> be as a library by Ruby programs, right? In that case, that library
> should be in a binary package called libbluefeather-ruby* to be
> consistent with all the other libraries ...

I have some question, from "Ruby In Wheezy" at DebianWiki.

It seems that the correct way is:
   bluefeather: cui tool, depends ruby-bluefeather
   ruby-bluefeather: Pure Ruby library and Documents

Is it right ?

> Speaking of that, why didn't that features and bug fixes done in
> BlueCloth itself instead of creating a new package? Would that be
> possible? Do we need yet another markdown library for Ruby, since we
> already have RedCloth, BlueCloth, and maybe others?

For the first, I do not know well. But upstream author(Dice) would have
to report the bug and he would have done it already.  

For the seconds, BlueFeather is converter for Markdown *Extra*, not
plain Markdown. Markdown Extra support many additional syntax,
e.g. Tables, Definition Lists, Footnote. RedCloth is converter for
textile, and does not support Markdown from version 4. BlueCloth is
support *pure* Markdown syntax only. This library is very fast but not
support Markdown Extra.

> The debian/repack.sh script did not put the repacked tarball in the same
> directory as the downloaded .zip. Is that expected?

I am worried of this. I didn't set target directory as you mentioned.
Should I set target directory for "../tarballs"?  However, should I use
git-buildpackage, this problem will be fixed because git-buildpackage
have upstream branch.
# I prefer git-buildpcakge rather than svn-buildpackage...

> The package description mentions a pair of command line tools, but the
> package only contains one program in /usr/bin.

I think, It is miss spelling. "pair of command line tool and libraries".
Bluefeather provides one command line tool, /usr/bin/bluefeather, and
some libraries.

I'll fix it and contact upstream author.

> Your debian/copyright file does not seem correct. The upstream package
> does not have an explicit copyright message in a README, and
> lib/bluefeather.rb lists the following:

I'll request upstream author to put copyright notice. Then, I'll fix
debian/copyright too.

Sincerely Yours,
Youhei SASAKI <uwabami@gfd-dennou.org>
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