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Re: MRI 2.0 preview release

On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Jordon Bedwell <jordon@envygeeks.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Lucas Nussbaum
> <lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net> wrote:
>>> > It depends on the 'ruby compatibility version' for that release. Is it
>>> > 1.9.1 or something else?
> 1.9.3.

I also think that with Ruby finally moving to 2.0 it would be a good
chance for Debian to finally clean up the virtual package mess that is
Ruby, I don't literally mean it's a mess but in that 1.9.3 pulls 1.9.1
which can lead to come confusion for some people, for example when a
client asks me why their system says it has 1.9.1 but it reports 1.9.3
it's a pain to have to explain that to them.  I think it should at
that point in the next release after wheezy officially be 1.9.3 and
2.0 each in their own package with 1.9.1 being dropped (since 1.9.3 is
fully backwards with 1.9.1) and no more of this virtual packaging for
Ruby, but I don't know how easy or annoying it would be for you guys
to drop the virtual packaging on system Ruby's but I know it turns
into a pain to explain to people why Debian has an illogical package
name for system Ruby.

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