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rubygems integration for packages shipping more than one gemspec file


I had a question concerning Praveen's bug report #693252.

Currently, ruby-json install json-version.gemspec file in
/usr/share/rubygems-integration for integration with rubygems.
This package ships both the C extension and the pure Ruby variant.

If I have ruby-json package installed and if I want to install a gem
which depends on json_pure, which contains just the pure Ruby
implementation, rubygems will pull json_pure gem whereas it could have
use the library provided by ruby-json Debian package instead.

Since the json gem ships several gemspec files in addition to the
json.gemspec (in particular json_pure.gemspec). Would it make sense to
make gem2deb install maybe not all, but possibly several of them, in
adequation with the files we install in the Debian package?
More precisely, would it make sense to have gem2deb/dh ship both
json-version.gemspec and json_pure.gemspec? Should we instead split such
packages, one binary per gemspec file?

I must admit that I have not a long experience with the .gemspec files,
so I apologize if I miss something obvious here.

Best wishes,


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