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Re: request for review / sponsoring / team maintenance: lolcat, ruby-paint

Hi Christian!

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 07:18:23PM +0100, chrysn wrote:

> i've packaged the lolcat program (a game similar to cowsay) and the
> ruby-paint library it depends on. as described in the itp (646877,
> 646876), the packages are functional and lintian clean, but as of not
> using ruby myself, i'd like to have someone with ruby packaging
> experience to have a glance at it.

> the packages are uploaded to mentors [1], [2].

> if the reviewer considers the packages fit for upload, i'd be happy to
> get them sponsored.

> i have not yet participated in a debian team, and given my lack of
> experience with ruby, i don't think i can contribute much to
> pkg-ruby{,-extras}. if, however, the the modalities of team membership
> are such that i can join the team for sake of joinly maintaining the
> packages i'm presenting here, i'd be happy to.

If you want to have your packages team-maintained, then feel free to
join the Ruby Extras team. Several team members maintain just one or two
packages in our team repository, and you can benefit from the (not so
impressive, but nice!) infrastructure to the team.

> please keep me addressed in replies, as i have not yet joint the
> debian-ruby list.

Please find below a few comments concerning the packages you've


- if you want your packages to be team-maintained, then the Maintainer
  field should be set to
   Debian Ruby Extras Maintainers <pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  and your name should be set in the Uploaders: field. Then your
  packages will be imported to Git: you can uncomment the Vcs-* fields
- the Homepage: field should probably be: https://github.com/janlelis/paint
- the package contains tests, but they are not run at build-time. Please
  consider enabling them, by build-depending on ruby-rspec and rake, and putting
  the following code in debian/ruby-tests.rake
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'

task :default => :spec

RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) do |spec|
  spec.pattern = './spec/*_spec.rb'

- instead of MIT, use the non-ambiguous "Expat" license name
- since I guess you made some modifications in 2013, you should change
  the years for the copyright notice of your changes
- the Format: line is outdated: use instead
- Source: probably no need to put the URL inside brackets <>

 - you can (and should) remove entries in the changelog that do not
   correspond to released Debian versions, and close the ITP bug in the
   latest (and unique) entry of your changelog.


- remove it: README.md does not contain any useful information. However,
  note for later that the screenshot provided in the ass/ directory
  could be added to the service screenshots.debian.net, once the package
  is in the archive.

- same remarks as in ruby-paint for Format and Source fields

- you should patch this file to remove the line 'require "rubygems"', as
  it is not needed, since all dependencies are handled by APT, and can
  using it can create strange effects.

- libtrollop-ruby should be replaced by ruby-trollop
+ same remarks as for ruby-paint (expect for the spec part)

  same remarks as above.

  could you please add explicitly the options in the manpage, without
  refering to lolcat --help?
  in the SEE ALSO section, shouldn't it be a comma between different
  entries, instead of a period?

override lintian message about missing upstream changelog, by putting in
debian/lolcal.lintian-overrides the following:
lolcat: no-upstream-changelog

Thanks for your work!



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