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Re: Current status of ruby1.9.1-rm transition

Hi Praveen,

On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 07:31:13PM +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> On Sunday 04 May 2014 08:05 PM, Christian Hofstaedtler wrote:
> > # ruby-patron FTBFS 744034 - autoremoval scheduled for 2014-05-08
> > ruby-patron ruby-faraday ruby-omniauth-twitter ruby-sham-rack rabbit ruby-faraday-middleware ruby-oauth2 ruby-sawyer ruby-twitter ruby-carrierwave ruby-typhoeus  ruby-octokit ruby-omniauth-oauth2 ruby-tinder ruby-omniauth-facebook ruby-omniauth-facebook ruby-omniauth-google-oauth2
> >
> If anyone can get patron to build, it would be nice. Otherwise we'll
> have to remove patron dependency from all those, I would be interested
> to get at least diaspora dependencies back in testing. patron upstream
> is dead (he doesn't have time and he is willing to give commit access to
> anyone interested), so it would be a lot of effort to support in jessie
> anyway.

Only ruby-faraday, ruby-webmock and ruby-sham-rack seem to use directly
patron in parallell with other adapters. We can probably just stop
shipping patron support for these files. It does not seem to be vital
e.g. for webmock to live without patron support.

By the way, some dependencies seem to be missing from ruby-faraday and
ruby-sham-rack, since they do not depend, even recommend ruby-patron.
Please check.


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