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Re: diaspora dependency status - help needed


I didn't have time to look into everything but what is still left to do?
Almost everything I had a look at was already resolved or had
some way forward suggusted?

On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 6:21 PM, Pirate Praveen
<praveen@onenetbeyond.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Diaspora upstream is very sticky about matching exact versions of
> dependencies to patch releases (= x.y.z) for official support [1]. I'd
> like to make a good effort to get official support and the situation
> right now is like this.
> Major version difference:
> Only ruby-messagebus-api differ by a major version. Since diaspora is
> its only reverse dependency, I propose we upload the exact version
> required by diaspora as 3.0.7+git.20130130.97b34ece-2.REALLY.1.0.3
> Minor version difference:
> ruby-redcarpet differ by minor version. Since its ruby 2.2 tests are
> failing I need help updating it.

Did you resolve the rudy-redcarpet issue?

> ruby-roxml has a newer release in debian, but upstream is reluctant to
> update it as it is a core dependency.
> Option 1: Test upstream with the new version and convince them to update it.
> Option 2: embed the required version until the issue is solved upstream.
> I will try option 1 and if that does not work in a reasonable amount of
> time (say 1 month), I will go for option 2. Any help is welcome.
> Tiny/Patch release difference:
> rails-timeago: It seems upstream is reluctant because of a bug in the
> new version. I don't know if it is really worth embedding it.

Can't you just use the new version? Or is there any incompability between
the two?

> rails-assets-jquery: Need to test menus once #796979 is resolved (this
> bug needs some help in solving). It was not working earlier with jquery
> 1.7. I hope new 1.13 version works.
> compass-rails, sass-rails, I hope diaspora will catch up, I will also
> check with upstream if the newer versions in debian works.
> devise_lastseenable/#796979: I will test if switching
> ruby-devise-lastseenable to 0.0.4 will solve it.
> sidekiq: I think current situation is okay, but I will try if older
> version can fix #796979

Is #796979 resolved?

> Except these 9 gems, 260+ dependencies (including chains) are in sync.

Great work!


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