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Re: ITP: schleuder3, schleuder-conf, mail-gpg and some questions

On Fri, May 06, 2016 at 12:54:11PM +0200, georg@riseup.net wrote:
> Hello ruby people,
> Some weeks ago I was in the need of setting up a gpg-enabled
> mailinglist, so I wanted to install schleuder [1], but got to know that
> this exists only in wheezy.
> Nowadays there is a complete rewrite of the old codebase, named
> schleuder3. The description [2] reads:
> "Schleuder is a gpg-enabled mailinglist with remailing-capabilities.
> Subscribers can communicate encrypted (and pseudonymously) among
> themselves, receive emails from non-subscribers and send emails to
> non-subscribers via the list.
> Version 3 of schleuder is a complete rewrite, which aims to be more
> robust, flexible, and internationalized. It also provides an API for the
> optional web interface called webschleuder."
> In the meantime I spoke to paz, the upstream author, and mailed with
> lunar(@d.o), the former maintainer. I would like to try to do the
> packaging to get schleuder back into Debian, and both are happy with
> this and quite supportive. Lunar hasn't much time for this, because he's
> busy with other projects, but he totally recommend I should contact you,
> hence this mail.
> My motivation behind this: Besides the fact that I'm still in the need
> of schleuder in Debian (and don't want to use the wheezy package for
> this), I've used Debian extensively for the last ten years, on my
> personal machines and on many servers etc. but never "gave something
> back", which I wanted to do for a long time, but never did - so maybe
> now is a good point in time to change this.
> Sadly my ruby knowledge is de-facto quite limited (I work as a sysadmin
> and doing stuff with python normally), and up until now I've never did
> packaging for Debian, so I guess I'll need some pointers, advice and
> hand-holding in the beginning (but I'm able to learn quickly).

First of all, thanks a lot to picking this up. It was a bummer when
Lunar had drop that package. Even though I never used it I think it was
very important then, and even more now.

> So far for the background; I've got some questions as well already:
> - According to the wiki [3] one should use the pkg-ruby-extras git repo
>   at git.debian.org. AFAICT, this is the shared git repo of the Debian
>   ruby team, right? Should I, as an "external person", use this as well?

It's not mandatory, but you also don't need to be an "external person".
I saw you requested membership on alioth and that was already approved.

> - Looking at the requirements [4] of schleuder3 these are all already
>   satisfied within Debian, but mail-gpg [5]. So I would start packaging
>   this, naming it "ruby-mail-gpg", because it's a library, not an
>   application, right?


> - Before doing this: Is it wise to speak to upstream to inform them
>   about this?

Unless there are issues in the upstream code that makes it unfit for
Debian, in principle there is not _necessary_. of course having a good
relationship with upstream is always useful, but in general this doesn't
scale for a team like ours with 1000+ packages.

> - Regarding naming of packages, I'm unsure as well: The old schleuder
>   package within wheezy was just named "schleuder", whereas it was
>   called "schleuder2" upstream. How should I name the new schleuder
>   package? In my opinion, the right name would be "schleuder3" to be
>   consistent with upstream, and using this name would also prevent
>   hassle if people upgrade (e.g. from wheezy to jessie); AFAICT there is
>   no safe upgrade path from schleuder2 to schleuder3.

schleuder3 seems to be the best option.

> - According to the install documentation [6], after installing, one
>   should run "schleuder install", which "creates neccessary directories,
>   copies example configs, etc". Should this stay like this, or is it
>   better (or the only possibility) to create a postinst script which
>   should / would do this?

IMO people expect Debian packages to automate this type of thing for

> - As this package is quite security relevant, because of the fact
>   that I'm just starting out and to prevent the "hit-by-a-bus"
>   scenario: Is there anybody of you interested in co-maintaining these
>   packages?

If the package has the team as maintainer any issues with it will be on
all of our radars, so you getting in touch here is already a good start.

> - One more question in general, regarding packaging: If I need help with
>   specific problems, whats the better way to seek for advice: Sending a
>   mail here, using irc, or ... ?

either here on the list, or on IRC (#debian-ruby). depending on how
deep/complicated the issue is, one might be better than the other (but
we don't usually care much).

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