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Re: Backporting ruby 2.7 for gitlab

On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 05:21:53PM +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> Hi,
> gitlab stopped working with ruby 2.5 (they officially dropped support long
> ago, but it was working fine till now). See
> https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/225251 for details. In last
> stable release we were lucky things worked with ruby 2.3 even though it was
> not officially supported.
> Option 1. Backport ruby 2.7
> I could upload it to fasttrack as well, but I'd prefer more people benefit
> it by having it in backports since I'm doing the backport work anyway.
> On a gitlab installation,
> $ ls /usr/share/rubygems-integration/2.5.0/specifications/ -1 |wc -l
> 47
> So we will have to backport at least these many modules as well.
> Option 2. Patch gitlab to work with ruby 2.5
> We can also try to fix issues with ruby 2.5 as and when we notice it as
> well, but if there not many takers for it, I don't think that can work well.
> Option 1 requires only packaging knowledge but Option 2 requires ruby
> knowledge.

For such a backport to work for gitlab, you would need to either a)
backport ruby-defaults as well to make /usr/bin/ruby by ruby2.7 or b)
change all binaries in gitlab to use /usr/bin/ruby2.7 explicitly.

a) is very risky as none of the other Ruby software in stable has been
tested with ruby2.7. This will cause random stuff to break and I don't
want to be involved in supporting that.

b) requires changing gitlab somehow anyway, so you might as well fix the
actual issues with ruby2.5 instead. FWIW I don't think it's realistic to
maintain a fast-moving, enormous beast such as gitlab for stable and
expect to not need to get your hands dirty in its code.

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