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Re: GNOME3 - это извращение!!!

> Я перешёл на KDE, настроил максимально привычно GNOME 3 Classic и прыгаю
> между ними :) (у каждого свои плюсы и минусы). По началу казалось
> кошмаром, а потом привык и даже стал получать удовольствие :) Месяц там,
> месяц там - не успевает надоесть.

Я тоже решил приколоться и юзаю третий гном, хотя поначалу было сложно.
Тем более что доступа к нормальному быстрому инету не было, сейчас буду
ставить xfce. На openbox/fluxbox героизма пока перейти не хватает.
Кстати, а как гном и кеды живут вместе в одной системе? Дружат, или
вечно в кедах что-то не то пытается из гнома подгрузиться, и наоборот?
И еще, а классик можно настроить как реально классик? А то у меня панели
не хотят создаваться, апплеты на них не хотят добавляться, на рабочем
столе файлов из $HOME/Desktop не видно, "ярлыки" не добавляются, если
вручную символьные ссылки создавать - то их не видно, т.к. никаких
файлов на нем не видно.
Что-то пытался ставить - ничего не помогает. Вроде основное что надо, есть:
> ~$ aptitude search gnome 
> p   amule-gnome-support                             - ed2k links handling support for GNOME web browsers        
> p   apt-watch-gnome                                 - отслеживание обновлений apt источников  (GNOME апплет)    
> p   backintime-gnome                                - GNOME фронт-энд для backintime                            
> p   cairo-dock-gnome-integration-plug-in            - Cairo-dock - GNOME integration plug-in                    
> p   celestia-gnome                                  - real-time visual space simulation (GNOME frontend)        
> p   desktopnova-module-gnome                        - GNOME module for DesktopNova                              
> p   dia-gnome                                       - Diagram editor (GNOME version)                            
> p   distccmon-gnome                                 - GTK+ monitor for distcc a distributed client and server   
> p   education-desktop-gnome                         - Debian Edu GNOME desktop applications                     
> p   fp-units-gnome1                                 - Free Pascal - GNOME 1 units metapackage                   
> p   fp-units-gnome1-2.6.0                           - Free Pascal - GNOME 1 units                               
> p   freepops-updater-gnome                          - GNOME interface for the freepops updater engine           
> v   fvwm-gnome                                      -                                                           
> p   geogebra-gnome                                  - GNOME integration layer for GeoGebra                      
> i A gir1.2-gnomebluetooth-1.0                       - Introspection data for GnomeBluetooth                     
> p   gir1.2-gnomedesktop-3.0                         - Introspection data for GnomeDesktop                       
> i A gir1.2-gnomekeyring-1.0                         - GNOME keyring services library - introspection data       
> v   gir1.2-soup-gnome-2.4                           -                                                           
> i   gnome                                           - The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components      
> i   gnome-accessibility-themes                      - высококонтрастные схемы рабочего стола GNOME для слабовидя
> p   gnome-activity-journal                          - graphical user interface for Zeitgeist                    
> i   gnome-alsamixer                                 - микшер звука ALSA для GNOME                               
> p   gnome-api-docs                                  - API reference documentation for the GNOME libraries       
> v   gnome-app-install                               -                                                           
> i A gnome-applets                                   - различные апплеты для панели GNOME (исполняемые файлы)    
> i   gnome-applets-data                              - различные апплеты для панели GNOME (файлы данных)         
> p   gnome-applets-dbg                               - разнообразные апплеты для панели GNOME (исполняемые файлы 
> i   gnome-audio                                     - звуковые файлы для среды GNOME                            
> i A gnome-backgrounds                               - Set of backgrounds packaged with the GNOME desktop        
> p   gnome-blog                                      - GNOME application to post to weblog entries               
> i A gnome-bluetooth                                 - поддержка bluetooth в GNOME                               
> p   gnome-boxes                                     - Simple GNOME app to access remote or virtual systems      
> c   gnome-brave-icon-theme                          - синий вариант темы иконок gnome-colors                    
> p   gnome-breakout                                  - разновидность классической игры Breakout (GNOME)          
> p   gnome-btdownload                                - GNOME interface for 'executing' BitTorrent files          
> i   gnome-cards-data                                - data files for the GNOME card games                       
> i   gnome-codec-install                             - установка кодеков GStreamer                               
> p   gnome-color-chooser                             - инструмент настройки внешнего вида рабочего стола GTK+/GNO
> p   gnome-color-manager                             - Color management integration for the GNOME desktop environ
> p   gnome-colors                                    - набор значков для тем GNOME                               
> i   gnome-colors-common                             - общие значки для всех наборов значков GNOME-Colors        
> p   gnome-commander                                 - nice and fast file manager for the GNOME desktop          
> p   gnome-commander-data                            - Data files for GNOME Commander                            
> p   gnome-commander-dbg                             - Debugging symbols for gnome-commander                     
> i   gnome-common                                    - общие сценарии и макросы для разработки в GNOME           
> i A gnome-contacts                                  - Contacts manager for GNOME                                
> i A gnome-control-center                            - утилиты для настройки рабочего стола GNOME                
> i A gnome-control-center-data                       - configuration applets for GNOME - data files              
> p   gnome-control-center-dev                        - utilities to configure the GNOME desktop                  
> i   gnome-core                                      - The GNOME Desktop Environment -- essential components     
> p   gnome-core-devel                                - The GNOME Desktop Environment -- development components   
> p   gnome-dbg                                       - debugging symbols for the GNOME desktop environment       
> i   gnome-desktop-data                              - Common files for GNOME desktop apps                       
> i   gnome-desktop-environment                       - The GNOME Desktop Environment - transitional package      
> p   gnome-desktop-sharp2                            - GNOME Desktop# 2.24 suite, CLI bindings for GNOME         
> i A gnome-desktop3-data                             - Common files for GNOME desktop apps                       
> p   gnome-devel                                     - The GNOME Desktop Environment -- development tools        
> p   gnome-devel-docs                                - GNOME developer documentation                             
> i   gnome-dictionary                                - GNOME dictionary application                              
> i A gnome-disk-utility                              - manage and configure disk drives and media                
> p   gnome-do                                        - Quickly perform actions on your desktop                   
> p   gnome-do-plugins                                - Extra functionality for GNOME Do                          
> i   gnome-doc-utils                                 - collection of documentation utilities for the GNOME projec
> i A gnome-documents                                 - Document manager for GNOME                                
> c   gnome-dust-icon-theme                           - chocolate variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme        
> p   gnome-dvb-client                                - client for gnome-dvb-daemon                               
> p   gnome-dvb-daemon                                - daemon to setup your DVB devices, record and watch TV show
> p   gnome-extra-icons                               - Optional GNOME icons                                      
> i A gnome-font-viewer                               - font viewer for GNOME                                     
> i   gnome-games                                     - games for the GNOME desktop                               
> i A gnome-games-data                                - data files for the GNOME games                            
> i A gnome-games-extra-data                          - games for the GNOME desktop (extra artwork)               
> p   gnome-genius                                    - advanced general purpose calculator program (Gnome fronten
> p   gnome-gmail                                     - support for Gmail as the preferred email application in GN
> p   gnome-hearts                                    - классическая карточная игра «червы» для GNOME             
> c   gnome-human-icon-theme                          - orange variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme           
> p   gnome-hwp-support                               - HWP document integration for GNOME desktop                
> p   gnome-hwp-support-dbg                           - HWP document integration for GNOME desktop - debugging sym
> i A gnome-icon-theme                                - иконки рабочего стола GNOME                               
> i A gnome-icon-theme-extras                         - GNOME Desktop icon theme (additional icons)               
> p   gnome-icon-theme-gartoon                        - Gartoon icon theme for GTK+ 2.x                           
> p   gnome-icon-theme-nuovo                          - Dropline Nuovo icon theme for GTK+ 2.x                    
> p   gnome-icon-theme-suede                          - Suede icon theme for GTK+ 2.x                             
> i A gnome-icon-theme-symbolic                       - GNOME desktop icon theme (symbolic icons)                 
> p   gnome-icon-theme-yasis                          - YASIS (Yet Another Scalable Icon Set)                     
> c   gnome-illustrious-icon-theme                    - pink variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme             
> i A gnome-js-common                                 - Common modules for GNOME JavaScript interpreters          
> i A gnome-keyring                                   - управление связками ключей GNOME (служба и утилиты)       
> i   gnome-mag                                       - экранная лупа для рабочего стола GNOME                    
> p   gnome-mastermind                                - Mastermind (TM) clone for GNOME Desktop                   
> i A gnome-media                                     - GNOME media utilities                                     
> i   gnome-media-common                              - GNOME media utilities - common files                      
> p   gnome-media-profiles                            - GNOME Media Profiles library                              
> i A gnome-menus                                     - GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification
> i A gnome-mime-data                                 - база данных исходной MIME и приложений для GNOME          
> p   gnome-mplayer                                   - GTK+ interface for MPlayer                                
> p   gnome-mplayer-dbg                               - GTK+ interface for MPlayer (debugging symbols)            
> p   gnome-mud                                       - The GNOME MUD client                                      
> p   gnome-nds-thumbnailer                           - Nintendo DS roms thumbnailer for GNOME                    
> c   gnome-netstatus-applet                          - Network status applet for GNOME                           
> i A gnome-nettool                                   - GNOME инструмент для вывода информации о сети             
> v   gnome-network-admin                             -                                                           
> c   gnome-noble-icon-theme                          - purple variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme           
> i A gnome-online-accounts                           - GNOME Online Accounts                                     
> i   gnome-orca                                      - Scriptable screen reader                                  
> p   gnome-osd                                       - OSD message framework for GNOME                           
> i A gnome-packagekit                                - Graphical distribution neutral software management tools  
> i A gnome-packagekit-data                           - Data files for graphical distribution neutral software man
> p   gnome-paint                                     - простая, легкая в использовании программа рисования для GN
> i A gnome-panel                                     - возможности запуска и пристыковки для GNOME               
> p   gnome-panel-control                             - command line utility to invoke GNOME panel run dialog/menu
> i   gnome-panel-data                                - общие файлы для панели GNOME                              
> p   gnome-panel-dbg                                 - GNOME Panel and library for panel applets - debugging symb
> p   gnome-phone-manager                             - управление мобильным телефоном для рабочего стола GNOME 2 
> p   gnome-photo-printer                             - tool for Gnome to print several photos on one page        
> p   gnome-pie                                       - visual application launcher for GNOME                     
> p   gnome-pkg-tools                                 - Tools for the Debian GNOME Packaging Team                 
> p   gnome-platform-devel                            - GNOME development platform                                
> i A gnome-power-manager                             - power management tool for the GNOME desktop               
> p   gnome-ppp                                       - modem internet connection tool for the GNOME Desktop      
> p   gnome-rdp                                       - клиент для подключения к удалённому рабочему столу (GNOME)
> p   gnome-schedule                                  - GNOME scheduler for automatic tasks                       
> i A gnome-screensaver                               - хранитель и блокировщик экрана для GNOME                  
> p   gnome-screensaver-flags                         - хранитель экрана для GNOME с флагами стран мира           
> i A gnome-screenshot                                - получение снимков экрана в среде GNOME                    
> i   gnome-search-tool                               - GNOME tool to search files                                
> i A gnome-session                                   - GNOME Session Manager - GNOME 3 session                   
> i A gnome-session-bin                               - GNOME Session Manager - Minimal runtime                   
> i   gnome-session-canberra                          - звуковые события инфраструктуры сеансов для входа и выхода
> i   gnome-session-common                            - GNOME Session Manager - common files                      
> i A gnome-session-fallback                          - GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session            
> i   gnome-settings-daemon                           - служба настроек сеанса GNOME                              
> p   gnome-settings-daemon-dev                       - Headers for building applications communicating with gnome
> p   gnome-sharp2                                    - GNOME# 2.24 suite, CLI bindings for GNOME                 
> p   gnome-sharp2-examples                           - sample applications for GNOME# 2.24                       
> i A gnome-shell                                     - graphical shell for the GNOME desktop                     
> i A gnome-shell-common                              - common files for the GNOME graphical shell                
> p   gnome-shell-dbg                                 - Debugging symbols for GNOME Shell                         
> p   gnome-shell-extensions                          - Extensions to extend functionality of GNOME Shell         
> p   gnome-shell-timer                               - GNOME Shell extension providing a countdown timer in the t
> p   gnome-specimen                                  - Simple font preview and compare application for GNOME     
> p   gnome-speech-swift                              - GNOME text-to-speech library (Cepstral swift engine suppor
> p   gnome-split                                     - GNOME Split - File splitter for GNOME desktop             
> p   gnome-subtitles                                 - Subtitle editor for the GNOME Desktop environment         
> v   gnome-sudo                                      -                                                           
> i A gnome-sudoku                                    - Sudoku puzzle game for GNOME                              
> i   gnome-sushi                                     - sushi is a quick previewer for nautilus                   
> i A gnome-system-log                                - system log viewer for GNOME                               
> i   gnome-system-monitor                            - монитор системных ресурсов и процессов для GNOME          
> i   gnome-system-tools                              - кросс-платформенные утилиты настройки системы (GNOME)     
> i A gnome-terminal                                  - GNOME terminal emulator application                       
> i A gnome-terminal-data                             - файлы данных для эмулятора терминала в GNOME              
> p   gnome-theme-gilouche                            - openSUSE Gilouche Theme                                   
> i   gnome-themes                                    - официальные темы для рабочего стола GNOME                 
> i   gnome-themes-extras                             - дополнительные темы для GNOME                             
> i   gnome-themes-more                               - various themes for the GNOME desktop                      
> i A gnome-themes-standard                           - Standard gnome themes                                     
> p   gnome-tweak-tool                                - tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME  
> p   gnome-u2ps                                      - tool to convert UTF-8 text to PostScript                  
> i A gnome-user-guide                                - руководство пользователя GNOME                            
> i A gnome-user-share                                - User level public file sharing via WebDAV or ObexFTP      
> p   gnome-video-arcade                              - Simple MAME frontend                                      
> i A gnome-video-effects                             - GNOME Video Effects                                       
> p   gnome-video-effects-dev                         - Development files for gnome-video-effects                 
> p   gnome-video-effects-frei0r                      - GNOME Video Effects - frei0r plugins                      
> c   gnome-wine-icon-theme                           - red variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme              
> c   gnome-wise-icon-theme                           - green variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme            
> v   gnome-www-browser                               -                                                           
> p   gnome-xcf-thumbnailer                           - GNOME thumbnailer for GIMP XCF files.                     
> v   gnome3-session                                  -                                                           
> p   gnomecatalog                                    - catalog CD, DVD and hard disk files                       
> p   gnomekiss                                       - A KiSS paper doll viewer for GNOME                        
> p   gnomeradio                                      - FM-radio tuner for the GNOME desktop                      
> p   gnuvd-gnome                                     - Query the online Dutch Van Dale dictionary - GNOME fronten
> p   gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs                          - GStreamer plugin for GnomeVFS                             
> v   icewm-gnome                                     -                                                           
> p   icewm-gnome-support                             - файлы поддержки GNOME в IceWM                             
> p   junior-gnome                                    - Debian Jr. для GNOME                                      
> p   lekhonee-gnome                                  - desktop client for wordpress blogs                        
> p   libdesktop-agnostic-fdo-gnome                   - GNOME-based desktop entry/menu module for libdesktop-agnos
> p   libgnome-bluetooth-dev                          - GNOME Bluetooth tools - support library development files 
> i A libgnome-bluetooth10                            - GNOME Bluetooth tools - support library                   
> i   libgnome-bluetooth7                             - GNOME Bluetooth tools - support library                   
> i   libgnome-desktop-2-17                           - служебная библиотека для анализа файлов .desktop (файлы вр
> i A libgnome-desktop-3-2                            - служебная библиотека для анализа файлов .desktop (файлы вр
> p   libgnome-desktop-3-dev                          - Utility library for loading .desktop files - development f
> p   libgnome-desktop-dev                            - Utility library for loading .desktop files - development f
> i A libgnome-keyring-common                         - GNOME keyring services library - data files               
> p   libgnome-keyring-dev                            - Development files for GNOME keyring service               
> i A libgnome-keyring0                               - библиотека для служб управления ключами GNOME             
> p   libgnome-keyring0-dbg                           - GNOME keyring services library (debugging symbols)        
> p   libgnome-keyring1.0-cil                         - CLI library to access the GNOME Keyring daemon            
> p   libgnome-keyring1.0-cil-dev                     - CLI library to access the GNOME Keyring daemon            
> p   libgnome-mag-dev                                - screen magnification library for the GNOME desktop (develo
> i A libgnome-mag2                                   - screen magnification library for the GNOME desktop (shared
> i A libgnome-media-profiles-3.0-0                   - GNOME Media Profiles library                              
> p   libgnome-media-profiles-dev                     - GNOME Media Profiles library                              
> i   libgnome-media0                                 - runtime libraries for the GNOME media utilities           
> i A libgnome-menu-3-0                               - GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification
> p   libgnome-menu-3-dev                             - GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification
> p   libgnome-menu-dev                               - GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification
> i   libgnome-menu2                                  - GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification
> p   libgnome-speech-dev                             - GNOME text-to-speech library (development headers)        
> i   libgnome-speech7                                - GNOME text-to-speech library                              
> i   libgnome-vfs2.0-cil                             - CLI binding for GnomeVFS 2.24                             
> p   libgnome-vfs2.0-cil-dev                         - CLI binding for GnomeVFS 2.24                             
> p   libgnome-vfsmm-2.6-1c2a                         - C++ wrappers for GnomeVFS (shared library)                
> p   libgnome-vfsmm-2.6-dev                          - C++ wrappers for GnomeVFS (development files)             
> p   libgnome-vfsmm-2.6-doc                          - C++ wrappers for GnomeVFS (documentation)                 
> i   libgnome-window-settings1                       - Utility library for getting window manager settings       
> i A libgnome2-0                                     - библиотека GNOME (файлы времени выполнения)               
> i   libgnome2-canvas-perl                           - Perl-интерфейс к библиотеке GNOME canvas                  
> i   libgnome2-common                                - библиотека GNOME (общие файлы)                            
> p   libgnome2-dbg                                   - The GNOME library - debugging symbols                     
> p   libgnome2-dev                                   - The GNOME library - development files                     
> p   libgnome2-doc                                   - The GNOME library - documentation files                   
> p   libgnome2-gconf-perl                            - Perl interface to the GNOME GConf library                 
> i   libgnome2-perl                                  - Perl-интерфейс к библиотекам GNOME                        
> i   libgnome2-vfs-perl                              - Perl-интерфейс к библиотеке GNOME VFS 2.x версий          
> p   libgnome2-wnck-perl                             - Perl interface to the Window Navigator Construction Kit   
> p   libgnome2.0-cil-dev                             - CLI binding for GNOME 2.24                                
> i   libgnome2.24-cil                                - CLI binding for GNOME 2.24                                
> p   libgnomeada-dbg                                 - Ada binding for the GNOME GUI (debugging symbols)         
> p   libgnomeada2.24.1                               - Ada binding for the GNOME GUI (dynamic library)           
> p   libgnomeada2.24.1-dev                           - Ada binding for the GNOME GUI (development files)         
> i A libgnomecanvas2-0                               - powerful object-oriented display engine - runtime files   
> i A libgnomecanvas2-common                          - powerful object-oriented display engine - common files    
> p   libgnomecanvas2-dbg                             - powerful object-oriented display engine - debugging symbol
> p   libgnomecanvas2-dev                             - powerful object-oriented display engine - development file
> p   libgnomecanvas2-doc                             - powerful object-oriented display engine - documentation fi
> p   libgnomecanvasmm-2.6-1c2a                       - C++ wrappers for libgnomecanvas2 (shared library)         
> p   libgnomecanvasmm-2.6-dev                        - C++ wrappers for libgnomecanvas2 (development files)      
> p   libgnomecanvasmm-2.6-doc                        - C++ wrappers for libgnomecanvas2 (documentation)          
> p   libgnomecups1.0-1                               - GNOME library for CUPS interaction                        
> p   libgnomecups1.0-dev                             - GNOME library for CUPS interaction (headers)              
> p   libgnomedesktop2.0-cil-dev                      - CLI binding for GNOME Desktop 2.24                        
> p   libgnomedesktop2.20-cil                         - CLI binding for GNOME Desktop 2.24                        
> i A libgnomekbd-common                              - GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - common fi
> p   libgnomekbd-dev                                 - GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - developme
> i   libgnomekbd4                                    - GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - shared li
> i A libgnomekbd7                                    - GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - shared li
> p   libgnomemm-2.6-1c2                              - C++ wrappers for libgnome (shared library)                
> p   libgnomemm-2.6-dev                              - C++ wrappers for libgnome (development files)             
> p   libgnomemm-2.6-doc                              - C++ wrappers for libgnome (documentation)                 
> p   libgnomeprint2.2-0                              - GNOME print architecture - runtime files                  
> p   libgnomeprint2.2-data                           - GNOME print architecture - data files                     
> p   libgnomeprint2.2-dev                            - GNOME print architecture - development files              
> p   libgnomeprint2.2-doc                            - GNOME print architecture - documentation files            
> p   libgnomeprintui2.2-0                            - GNOME print architecture User Interface - runtime files   
> p   libgnomeprintui2.2-common                       - GNOME print architecture User Interface - common files    
> p   libgnomeprintui2.2-dev                          - GNOME print architecture User Interface - devel files     
> p   libgnomeprintui2.2-doc                          - GNOME print architecture User Interface - doc files       
> i A libgnomeui-0                                    - GNOME user interface library - runtime files              
> p   libgnomeui-0-dbg                                - GNOME user interface library - debugging symbols          
> i   libgnomeui-common                               - GNOME user interface library - common files               
> p   libgnomeui-dev                                  - GNOME user interface library - development files          
> p   libgnomeui-doc                                  - GNOME user interface library - documentation files        
> p   libgnomeuimm-2.6-1c2a                           - C++ wrappers for libgnomeui (shared library)              
> p   libgnomeuimm-2.6-dev                            - C++ wrappers for libgnomeui (development files)           
> p   libgnomeuimm-2.6-doc                            - C++ wrappers for libgnomeui (documentation)               
> i A libgnomevfs2-0                                  - виртуальная файловая система GNOME (библиотеки времени вып
> p   libgnomevfs2-0-dbg                              - GNOME Virtual File System (debugging libraries)           
> p   libgnomevfs2-bin                                - GNOME Virtual File System (support binaries)              
> i A libgnomevfs2-common                             - GNOME Virtual File System (common files)                  
> p   libgnomevfs2-dev                                - GNOME Virtual File System library (development files)     
> i A libgnomevfs2-extra                              - виртуальная файловая система GNOME (дополнительные модули)
> p   libgsf-gnome-1-114                              - Structured File Library - runtime version for GNOME       
> p   libgsf-gnome-1-114-dbg                          - Structured File Library - debugging files for GNOME       
> p   libgsf-gnome-1-dev                              - Structured File Library - development files for GNOME     
> p   libjava-gnome-java                              - Java-gnome language bindings project                      
> p   libjava-gnome-java-doc                          - Java-gnome language bindings project                      
> p   libjava-gnome-jni                               - Java-gnome language bindings project                      
> p   liblablgtk2-gnome-ocaml                         - runtime libraries for OCaml bindings to GNOME             
> v   liblablgtk2-gnome-ocaml-aow60                   -                                                           
> p   liblablgtk2-gnome-ocaml-dev                     - OCaml bindings to GNOME                                   
> v   liblablgtk2-gnome-ocaml-dev-aow60               -                                                           
> p   libmimedir-gnome-dev                            - MIME Directory Profile implementation [development]       
> p   libmimedir-gnome-doc                            - MIME Directory Profile implementation [development]       
> p   libmimedir-gnome0.4                             - MIME Directory Profile implementation [runtime]           
> p   libntfs-gnomevfs                                - NTFS GNOME virtual filesystem module                      
> p   libopenrawgnome-dev                             - GNOME integration for libopenraw - development files      
> p   libopenrawgnome1                                - free implementation for RAW decoding (GNOME integration)  
> i A libpam-gnome-keyring                            - модуль PAM для разблокировки брелока ключей GNOME при вход
> i A libreoffice-gnome                               - office productivity suite -- GNOME integration            
> v   libreoffice-gtk-gnome                           -                                                           
> i A libsoup-gnome2.4-1                              - HTTP library implementation in C -- GNOME support library 
> p   libsoup-gnome2.4-dev                            - HTTP library implementation in C -- GNOME support developm
> p   libswt-gnome-gtk-3-jni                          - Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK+ GNOME JNI library        
> p   libxine1-gnome                                  - GNOME-related plugins for libxine1                        
> p   libxine2-gnome                                  - GNOME-related plugins for libxine2.                       
> p   monodoc-gnome-keyring-manual                    - CLI library to access the GNOME Keyring daemon - manual   
> p   mpop-gnome                                      - POP3 mail retriever - with GNOME keyring support          
> p   msmtp-gnome                                     - light SMTP client with support for server profiles - with 
> i   network-manager-gnome                           - network management framework (GNOME frontend)             
> p   network-manager-iodine-gnome                    - network management framework (iodine plugin GNOME GUI)    
> p   network-manager-openconnect-gnome               - network management framework (OpenConnect plugin GNOME GUI
> i   network-manager-openvpn-gnome                   - network management framework (OpenVPN plugin GNOME GUI)   
> p   network-manager-pptp-gnome                      - network management framework (PPTP plugin GNOME GUI)      
> p   network-manager-vpnc-gnome                      - network management framework (VPNC plugin GNOME GUI)      
> i   openoffice.org-gnome                            - office productivity suite -- GNOME integration            
> i A policykit-1-gnome                               - GNOME authentication agent for PolicyKit-1                
> i   python-gnome2                                   - привязки Python для окружения рабочего стола GNOME        
> p   python-gnome2-desktop-dev                       - Python bindings for the GNOME desktop environment         
> p   python-gnome2-dev                               - Python bindings for the GNOME desktop environment - develo
> p   python-gnome2-doc                               - Python bindings for the GNOME desktop environment         
> p   python-gnome2-extras-dev                        - Development files for the extra GNOME Python bindings     
> i   python-gnomedesktop                             - Python bindings for the GNOME desktop library             
> i   python-gnomekeyring                             - Python bindings for the GNOME keyring library             
> v   python-gnomeosd                                 -                                                           
> p   qnapi-gnome                                     - application that downloads Polish subtitles from www.napip
> v   r-gnome                                         -                                                           
> p   remmina-plugin-gnome                            - GNOME plugin for remmina remote desktop client            
> p   rep-gtk-gnome                                   - Dummy package for transition                              
> p   routeplanner-gnome                              - A highway trip planner (GNOME interface)                  
> p   ruby-gnome2                                     - GNOME-related bindings for the Ruby language              
> p   ruby-gnome2-dev                                 - GNOME-related bindings for the Ruby language (development 
> p   sflphone-gnome                                  - SIP and IAX2 compatible VoIP phone - GNOME client         
> p   smuxi-frontend-gnome                            - GNOME frontend for Smuxi                                  
> p   smuxi-frontend-gnome-irc                        - IRC support for GNOME frontend for Smuxi                  
> p   ssh-askpass-gnome                               - интерактивая X-программа запроса у пользователей паролей д
> p   stardict-gnome                                  - словарь для GNOME 2                                       
> p   swfdec-gnome                                    - dummy package for transition to Gnash                     
> p   synce-gnomevfs                                  - SynCE plugin for GNOME VFS                                
> p   task-gnome-desktop                              - GNOME desktop environment                                 
> p   task-hebrew-gnome-desktop                       - Hebrew GNOME desktop                                      
> p   task-japanese-gnome-desktop                     - Japanese GNOME desktop                                    
> p   task-korean-gnome-desktop                       - Korean GNOME desktop                                      
> p   task-malayalam-gnome-desktop                    - Malayalam GNOME desktop                                   
> p   task-tamil-gnome-desktop                        - Tamil GNOME desktop                                       
> p   task-telugu-gnome-desktop                       - Telugu GNOME desktop environment                          
> p   task-thai-gnome-desktop                         - Thai GNOME desktop                                        
> p   telegnome                                       - graphical teletext viewer                                 
> p   uim-applet-gnome                                - Universal Input Method - GNOME applet                     
> i   update-manager-gnome                            - приложение GNOME для управления обновлениями ПО           
> p   verbiste-gnome                                  - French and Italian conjugator - GNOME interface           
> p   vim-gnome                                       - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GNOME2 GUI        
> p   xchat-gnome                                     - simple and featureful IRC client for GNOME                
> p   xchat-gnome-common                              - data files for XChat-GNOME 

P.S. Для того, чтобы поставить xfce, достаточно aptitude install xfce4
сделать, или есть подводные камни и что-то надо руками доставлять?

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