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Re: greetd+wlgreet packaging and maybe joining the team

On April 27, 2022 9:08 am, Marc Dequènes (duck) wrote:
> Quack,
> I intend to package greetd (#1010247) and wlgreet (#1010248). After 
> difficulties with lightdm+libseat (more details in the ITP) I finally 
> decided to give greetd a go and since it is not packaged yet I simply 
> built the binaries on my machine. So far it has been working great with 
> one minor problem (https://todo.sr.ht/~kennylevinsen/greetd/23).

the way this works would be to look at the dependency tree(s) and figure 
out which dependencies need to be packaged first. cargo-debstatus might 
be of help there ;) there might be a lot of them - so be aware that this 
might take longer to get through NEW than you are used to in other 
eco-systems, even though the packaging of library crates is usually very 
straight-forward and mechanical.

> I think it would make sense to package it in the team or at least to 
> collaborate on the dependencies, therefore I'd be glad to join the team 
> if you would have me. I have no Rust packaging experience at all, but 
> various packaging experiences in general (mainly Ruby, Python, C/C++). I 
> also am a total newbie at Rust: I wrote my first basic coding bits a few 
> months ago but I encountered some difficulties/bugs with the libraries I 
> was using and it is on hold for now. Nevertheless I'd be happy to learn 
> more along the way.

please join #debian-rust on OFTC for asking questions, coordinating 
uploads, etc.pp.

the debcargo repo contains an annotated example debcargo.toml[0], the 
debcargo-conf repo contains instructions[1] of how to setup sbuild and the 
general work flow of packaging rust crates.

welcome! :)

0: https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo/-/blob/master/debcargo.toml.example
1: https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf/-/blob/master/README.rst

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