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Re: Mapping Rust behavior 1:1 to Debian packages may not be a good idea

On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 05:05:27AM +0800, Blair Noctis wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been familiarizing myself with packaging Rust crates into Debian for a
> while. Recent observations lead me to suspect that, current practice of Rust
> packaging isn't optimal.
> A little background:
> Debian packages, as most other package systems do, have only, well, packages.
> Rust packages, or crates, have one particular addition: features. They can be
> enabled or disabled by other crates using them, making code and dependencies
> under feature flags fully optional.
> Also, they use https://semver.org[semver], or semantic versions, which itself
> carries a set of rules regarding version compatibility. Actually, their own
> https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/resolver.html[variant]. In Debian we
> have a different set of rules.
> == The problems
> The current practice of packaging Rust crates in Debian basically maps features
> into "subpackages", e.g. for a crate `curl` with a feature `ssl`, it's packaged
> into `librust-curl-dev` and `librust-curl+ssl-dev`. The former holds the actual
> source code. The latter may or may not be a separate package.
> The Debian Rust team has a
> https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf/#setting-collapse-features-in-debcargo-conf[reason for this]:
> > This means that the following dependency chain is not a problem in rust:
> >
> > - crate A with feature AX depends on crate B with feature BY
> > - crate B with feature BX depends on crate A with feature AY
> >
> > This is a perfectly valid situation in the rust+cargo ecosystem. Notice that
> > there is no dependency cycle on the per-feature level, and this is enforced by
> > cargo; but if collapse_features is used then package A+AX+AY would cyclicly
> > depend on package B+BX+BY.
> > This is reflected in the Debian packages by producing Provides lines for all
> > combinations of features, and this can become a quite large section.
> For versions, it's split into "level" subpackages: 1.2.3 for crate `foo` would
> be `librust-foo-dev`, `librust-foo-1-dev`, `librust-foo-1.2-dev`,
> `librust-foo-1.2.3-dev`. Depending on different level, combined with version
> requirement on it, is how currently version constraint is expressed.
> This practice creates a myriad of subpackages:  This time we use a
> "feature-rich" crate as example: The `async-std` crate has 23 features not
> including `default`. That's 24 * 4 = 96 combinations.
> ----
> $ apt search rust-backtraceapt search 'rust-backtrace\+'
> Sorting... Done
> Full Text Search... Done
> librust-backtrace+cpp-demangle-dev/testing,unstable,testing 0.3.66-2 amd64
>   Acquire a backtrace at runtime - feature "cpp_demangle"
> librust-backtrace+rustc-serialize-dev/testing,unstable,testing 0.3.66-2 amd64
>   Acquire a backtrace at runtime - feature "rustc-serialize" and 1 more
> librust-backtrace+serde-dev/testing,unstable,testing 0.3.66-2 amd64
>   Acquire a backtrace at runtime - feature "serde" and 1 more
> librust-backtrace+verify-winapi-dev/testing,unstable,testing 0.3.66-2 amd64
>   Acquire a backtrace at runtime - feature "verify-winapi"
> librust-backtrace+winapi-dev/testing,unstable,testing 0.3.66-2 amd64
>   Acquire a backtrace at runtime - feature "winapi"
> $ apt info librust-backtrace+serde-dev
> Package: librust-backtrace+serde-dev
> Version: 0.3.66-2
> Priority: optional
> Section: rust
> Source: rust-backtrace
> Maintainer: Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net>
> Installed-Size: 9,216 B
> Provides: librust-backtrace+serialize-serde-dev (= 0.3.66-2),
> librust-backtrace-0+serde-dev (= 0.3.66-2),
> librust-backtrace-0+serialize-serde-dev (= 0.3.66-2),
> librust-backtrace-0.3+serde-dev (= 0.3.66-2),
> librust-backtrace-0.3+serialize-serde-dev (= 0.3.66-2),
> librust-backtrace-0.3.66+serde-dev (= 0.3.66-2),
> librust-backtrace-0.3.66+serialize-serde-dev (= 0.3.66-2)
> Depends: librust-backtrace-dev (= 0.3.66-2), librust-serde-1+default-dev,
> librust-serde-1+derive-dev
> Homepage: https://github.com/rust-lang/backtrace-rs
> Download-Size: 1,268 B
> APT-Sources: http://apt-cacher.local/debian bookworm/main amd64 Packages
> Description: Acquire a backtrace at runtime - feature "serde" and 1 more
>  This metapackage enables feature "serde" for the Rust backtrace crate, by
>  pulling in any additional dependencies needed by that feature.
>  .
>  Additionally, this package also provides the "serialize-serde" feature.
> ----
> To solve, or at least ease this problem, the `collapse_features` flag has been
> introduced. Once set to true, all feature packages will be converted to
> *Provides* virtual packages. Then the *Provides* field of `debian/control`
> exploded with exponential combination of feature packages and split version
> packages.
> ----
> $ rg field-too-long build/*.build
> build/rust-redis_0.21.6-1_amd64-2022-08-31T01:00:47Z.build
> 1702:E: librust-redis-dev: field-too-long Provides (5386 chars > 5000)
> build/rust-postgres-types_0.2.4-2_amd64-2022-10-17T06:16:48Z.build
> 1473:E: librust-postgres-types-dev: field-too-long Provides (7206 chars > 5000)
> build/rust-async-std_1.12.0-1_amd64-2022-08-31T16:57:07Z.build
> 1978:E: librust-async-std-dev: field-too-long Provides (5114 chars > 5000)
> build/rust-async-std_1.12.0-1_amd64-2022-08-31T16:28:09Z.build
> 1978:E: librust-async-std-dev: field-too-long Provides (5494 chars > 5000)
> ----
> This approach created another problem: if two features each depends on a
> dependency that's mutually exclusive, the two dependencies would both be in the
> package's *Depends*, rendering the package uninstallable.
> The version constraint couldn't express complex requirements like `>= 1.5, <
> 3.0`. This currently translates to `librust-foo-2-dev | librust-foo-1-dev (>=
> 1.5-~~)`, which doesn't work for foo 1.x due to `|` constraint not implemented
> yet.
> There are also remnants of actual separate feature packages, on which the topic
> the link above points at, `collapse_features`, is concerned.
> == Why they need to be changed
> === Features
> Crates, when not compiled, are just sources files. The code is there, in the
> same package, whether features enabled or not. crates.io, the official Rust
> package repository, doesn't provide separate feature downloads; only packages.
> For clarity, let's divide crates into two categories: library crates, which are
> for use in other crates; and binary crates, including applications and linkable
> libraries, are to be compiled and for "end use".
> Library crates, whether in crates.io or packaged elsewhere, are still a bunch of
> source files. Only the test stage involves compilation in Debian context.
> Currently we "build" them, as in running `cargo test`, but no "build artifacts"
> are collected. They are installed to the system as a copy of the source files.
> autopkgtest runs that again.
> For a library crate, when everything goes smoothly, it could be used by others
> as normal. Nothing to do about features.
> When a feature needs to be disabled, however, for example when it needs nightly
> Rust but we don't provide it, it's represented as absence of a feature package
> in current practice. A binary crate that depends on it fails to find the feature
> package, and fails building.
> What if we don't map features? The binary crate would depend on the library
> crate's package, successfully install it, and fail at build stage. Same result.
> Rust has an outstanding reputation for easy to understand error messages, so no
> need to worry if the packager couldn't find out the reason.
> But the build time increased! Well, we could put that in a custom field in
> `debian/control`, such as `X-Rust-Disabled-Features: nightly`, so our build tool
> would know a feature is missing and exit early.
> When a binary crate is packaged, the packager decides which features and
> dependencies are enabled or disabled, so they need to know this information
> anyway.
> With "featureless" packages, we have far shorter *Depends* and *Provides*
> fields, fewer packages (ideally 1:1 to crates), and less clutter.
> ==== What about circular dependency?
> I did a little analysis on crates.io-index, and found there are three kinds of
> circular dependency in the Rust package ecosystem.
> 1. A crate depending on older versions of itself. Strange, but acceptable. We
> already have versioned packages, e.g. `librust-curl-dev` for 0.4 and
> `librust-curl-0.3-dev`.
> 2. A "main" package depending on a "component" package, and the component
> dev-depending on main. dev-deps are for tests, which we could put in
> `debian/tests/control`.
> 3. The exact situation described above: A+X → B+Y && B+Z → A+W. This could be
> further divided into two situations:
> 	a. building A or B, could be considered the same as 2; or
> 	b. building binary C that depends on A+X or B+Z, where the packager decides
> 	which features and/or dependencies are to be enabled, no need to put in
> 	*Depends*.
> === Versions
> We can have `librust-foo-dev >= 0.1.0, librust-foo-dev << 0.3` in *Depends*.
In 'Depends' or in 'Build-Depends'?

> == Proposal
> For features, we still put strong dependencies in *Depends*. Optional and test
> dependencies should be put in `debian/tests/control`. This is effectively
> *Test-Depends*. Optional dependencies could be *Suggests*, but it's largely
> irrelevant for end users, so we may as well not.
> Current practice needs a transition. We could progressively update to not depend
> on feature packages, those with no reverse dependencies first, then remove
> features in *Provides*.
> For versions, we should start expressing version constraints in *Depends*
> versions. This also needs a transition, but can be integrated into the feature
> one.
> Sdrager,
> Blair Noctis

Geert Stappers
Might not understand the improvement proposal,
does understand that change proposals should get attention.
Silence is hard to parse

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