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Re: Update zbus crate to 3.8


Since we are only 2 days away from the freeze I think this might be too late.


On Fri, 10 Feb 2023, 15:49 Reinhard Tartler, <siretart@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi folks,

I'm contemplating to upgrade the rust-zbus and zbus-macros to version 3.8 and rust-variant to version 3.10, so that I can drop a (somewhat ugly) patch to the netavark package here: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/netavark/-/blob/debian/sid/debian/patches/use-zbus-1.9.patch

This upgrade is very likely to break all packages that currently depend on zbus/zbus-macros/zvarant. To mitigate this, I plan to co-package the existing versions of said packages at their currently existing respective sources, following the instructions sketched in https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf/-/blob/master/README.rst#to-package-a-co-installable-older-version-of-a-crate

Since this workflow is a first for me, I wanted to check with you, so that experts can weigh in. I'm in particular concerned whether it wasn't too close to the freeze to start this process. Maybe I should first start on packaging the "co-locatable" packages first, and only after they have passed NEW, start the actual upgrade.

I'm happy to hear your opinions on this



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