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Some RBF code I'd like help with

This is a little offtopic, since it isn't exactly Debian-related
(yet!) but I can't think of a better free software-oriented scientific
community to ask about this.

I'm working with radial basis functions, one of the more popular
meshless methods to rival FEM. I have some code that's part of my
thesis work that I would like some comments on. While as far as my
thesis is concerned, the work is almost done, I do want to keep
maintaining this code beyond what's required for my thesis.

Right now, I am facing some existential crises with my code, so if
you're interested in RBFs and you would like to help resolve my
crises, I'd appreciate your help.

A design blurb along with the problems I think I'm facing is here:


Thanks in advance,
- Jordi G. H.

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