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Re: Announcement: New bugs pages, status of renaming

On Thu, 13 Nov 2008, Chris Walker wrote:

I did wonder about suggesting:
          A    B      C
wishlist:  1    1      1
minor:     2    3      4
normal:    4    9     16
important: 8   27     64
serious:  16   81    256
grave:    32  243   1024
critical: 64  729   4096

ie one normal bug is worth 2 (or 3, or 4) minor bugs, and so on.

An immediately attractive idea would be the value of one "critical"
bug - in which case, suggestion "B" might be better than A. Then
perhaps a linear spacing:

red: 729 *4/4   (80+ normal bugs)
yellow: 729*3/4 (60+ normal bugs)
green: 729*2/4 (40+ normal bugs)
blue: 729*1/4  (20+ normal bugs)

but I haven't actually tried it to see if it would work.

Well, it sounds reasonable to go with B because I have this additional
feature that bugs in dependent packages are weighted three times higher
than those that are only suggested.  So a grave bug in a dependent
package would score the same as a critical bug in a suggested package
and we get color red for both cases.

Kind regards



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