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Re: [Elmerdiscussion] Re: Debian package for Elmer - Re: ITP: Elmer -- Finite element software for multiphysics problems

Hello again,

On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 15:10 -0500, Adam C Powell IV wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 08:05 -0500, Adam C Powell IV wrote:
> > [snip]
> > Thank you.  I'm afraid I'm already well-enough along that the only issue
> > remaining is finding Scotch functions corresponding to
> > METIS_MeshPartNodes and METIS_MeshPartDual.  I'm in contact with
> > upstream, which is helping with this (off-list).
> I've posted my first two versions 5.4.1-1 and 5.4.1.dfsg-1 at
> http://lyre.mit.edu/~powell/elmer/ .  The former includes the full
> source, and works (as far as I can tell), but doesn't have the versioned
> shared library.  The latter omits mathlibs, umfpack and
> elmergrid/src/metis, and has a complete copyright file for what's left,
> but ElmerGrid linking fails because of the missing Metis functions as
> mentioned.

I've just posted .dfsg-2 which is DFSG-compliant (doesn't include metis)
and includes a working -- but not complete -- ElmerGrid.  That is,
ElmerGrid can't do METIS-style partitioning using the MeshDual and
MeshNodal methods because Scotch doesn't support them, though it can do
the other three METIS partition styles.

I also reversed the order of the rpath and shlibs patches, so the
attached shlib patch should be acceptable for upstream adoption.

I built it also for 32-bit.  They're up in my Debian Lenny repository at
opennovation.org.  I'm building Ubuntu Hardy 64- and 32-bit as well.

I have not patched it to work with Debian's UMFPACK.  If I need it, I'll
take care of that; otherwise I'll wait for the next Elmer release.

> The only two ways to get around this are:
>       * Get the ARPACK people to drop the non-free requirements of their
>         license (see http://bugs.debian.org/491794 ).
>       * Change the license of Elmer either to something like LGPL or to
>         grant an explicit GPL exception to link with ARPACK (and maybe
>         Metis?).
> Both of these are, of course, beyond the scope of this maintainer... :-(

This is still needed before I can upload to Debian.  Somehow Francesco's
post didn't get to the Elmer list, so I'll point out that the FSF's
linking exception example is at:

Note that there are different texts for GPLv2 and v3; Elmer is I believe
currently under v2.  Also, this applies to the elmergrid directory re
Metis and fem directory re ARPACK.  These copyright notices typically go
in the AUTHORS file.

Share and enjoy, and please let me know if there are any errors.

GPG fingerprint: D54D 1AEE B11C CE9B A02B  C5DD 526F 01E8 564E E4B6

Engineering consulting with open source tools
--- elmerfem-5.4.1/fem/src/Makefile.am~	2008-11-10 17:07:18.000000000 -0500
+++ elmerfem-5.4.1/fem/src/Makefile.am	2008-11-10 17:06:59.000000000 -0500
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@
 libelmersolver$(SHL_EXT): $(SOLVEROBJS) binio/libbinio.a
 	$(RM) $@
-	$(SH_LD2) $(RPATH_ELMER) $(SH_LDFLAGS) $(B64FLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(SOLVEROBJS) $(SOLVER_LIBS) -L. -Lbinio -lbinio
+	$(SH_LD2) $(RPATH_ELMER) $(SH_LDFLAGS) $(B64FLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-soname,libelmersolver-5.4.1.so -o libelmersolver-5.4.1.so $(SOLVEROBJS) $(SOLVER_LIBS) -L. -Lbinio -lbinio
+	ln -s libelmersolver-5.4.1.so $@
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 	$(CP) ElmerSolver$(EXEEXT) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin
 	$(CP) ViewFactors$(EXEEXT) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin
 	$(CP) GebhardtFactors$(EXEEXT) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin
-	$(CP) libelmersolver$(SHL_EXT) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib
+	$(CP) -a libelmersolver*$(SHL_EXT) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib
 	$(CP) elmerf90 elmerf90-nosh elmerld $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin
 	$(CP) ElmerSolver_mpi$(EXEEXT) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin

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