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Re: New -dev tasks

Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre.ledru@inria.fr> writes:

> Hello,
> >From time to time, I am trying to add more packages into Debian science
> blend.
> However, I am always stuck when dealing with libraries. When I am adding
> a library dealing with physics, I would prefer to add it into a
> physics-dev category (and this would be probably the case with all the
> libraries).

The obvious libraries are cernlib and the data acquisition libraries
libcomedi and libgpib (and the clhep2 unofficial package). 

> For a lambda user, applications and libraries are two very different
> things.

I don't know lambda. 

> I would like to know if we could create a -dev tasks for each category
> and move libraries into.

Can you add the libraries in question to the physics wiki page and 
the physics task (or post here and I can do it).

I think that it is useful to subdivide the physics task, but that the
subdivision should be upon area of science.  Thus a particle physics
library should be alongside particle physics applications. 

My rationale is that I want to find packages relevant to areas of
science I'm interested in.

The library/non-library distinction is orthogonal to this - and I
think less useful - but I'm very willing to be convinced otherwise. 

If managed to classify the science packages with the right debtags, it
would be possible to have both views of the world - but we haven't got
that yet.


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