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New mpi-defaults BLACS and ScaLAPACK call for testing


I've just finished re-doing the blacs and scalapack packages using
mpi-defaults.  The results are in http://lyre.mit.edu/~powell/mumps/
(since I'm using them for my not-yet-finished MUMPS package).  They are
NMUs approved by the maintainer to close bugs 491028 and 491105.

If you maintain reverse-depends, please adjust and test.  I've run the
package self-tests with "mpirun -np 4 <test> >& <test>.out" (yes I still
use tcsh), and most pass, though some segfault right away (BLACS c
shared, x*gemr), and others infinite loop and have to be killed...  All
results are in: http://lyre.mit.edu/~powell/mumps/tests/

I'll wait a week and if the packages are good will upload.

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