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Re: Please check Debian Science robotics tasks (Was: [SCM] choreonoid branch, master, updated. ...)

Hi Leopold,

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 11:45:37PM +0200, Leopold Palomo Avellaneda wrote:
> > > 2. I think that some packages are too general to be there: Boost,
> > > Gnuplot, Octave, etc.
> > > What about removing them from the list?
> > 
> > As I said I'm no robotics expert and I will not raise any opinion here.
> > Somebody had injected them in the first place (may be browsing SVN log
> > might uncover who it actually did - I hope it was not me on request of
> > somebody which hides the origin).  As an alternative it might be
> > possible to simply "Suggest" these packages which might be a reasonable
> > compromise.
> :-) I think that was I. 
> I'm robotics, but I think that in this field you will never be expert. ;-) I 
> think that it could be erased. It was made, maybe 4 years ago, and a lot of 
> things have been changed from that (a lot of middlewares: ROS ...)

Does this mean: Please drop Boost, Gnuplot and Octave from robotics task?

> The problem that I have found, and I ask you Andreas is that the page is 
> autogenerated from templates in the svn  (daily ... once at day ;-)

It is not really "templates" but so called "tasks" files as described in
the Blends documentation[1].  They are not only used to create the web
pages but also to create the metapackages (out of the debian-science
source package which they are part of).

> This 
> format is a bit strict IMHO, because the robotics software covers a lot of 
> areas and maybe it's too difficult to have a simple list of recommendations.

IMHO robotics is in no way special as I recently explained quite
verbosely[2] for astronomy.  The solution would be to run your own Blend
where you can gain some extra degree of granularity - for the expense of
some extra work for those people behind the Blend but the very nice
chance to attract more people to this specific topic (if you are willing
to spend the time into this).

> Also, I thought the same that Thomas asked about a validation of the 
> modifications. For example, I don't know if there's any way to manually 
> generate that page and see the final result.

Any member of the Blends team can log into Alioth and follow the
description given in the Blends manual.

Kind regards


[1] http://blends.alioth.debian.org/blends/ 
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-science/2013/05/msg00034.html
[3] http://blends.alioth.debian.org/blends/ap-DevelDescription.en.html#s-webpagecreation


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