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Lintian check for d/upstream files (Was: another source of URLs for DUCK: debian/upstream)

Hi Simon,

On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 05:09:37PM +0200, Simon Kainz wrote:
> Am 2013-08-23 13:39, schrieb Andreas Tille:
> >>Otherwise I'd gladly help working on a lintian module.
> >I have never written any lintian check so some kind of kickstart would
> >be great.
> >
> Hi!
> I wrote a _very basic_ lintian check, available here:
> http://familiekainz.at/deb/lintian/metadata.tgz

That's very cool!  Thanks for your effort!

> This  check issues a wishlist tag if the upstream file is not present.

I'm not fully sure whether severity "Info" is correct.  People might
become bored by this and may be "Pedantic" or "eXperimental" might be
more appropriate - since the DEP about d/upstream files is not finished.
On the other hand that's great advertising for debian/upstream files.

> If it's there, it checks if it's a valid YAML file (if not, you get
> a W: debian-upstream-file-is-invalid) and after that, if there are
> field names not mentioned on
> https://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamMetadata.
> More to come  for sure, if there is some interest in it.
> This works for me with Lintian v2.5.6.
> Either put both files in /usr/share/lintian/checks and edit
> /usr/share/lintian/profiles/debian/main.profile. There just append
> metadata to make linitian aware of the new check.
> OR (what I did):
> Copy /usr/share/lintian to some other dir and set
> LINTIAN_ROOT=<new_lintian_dir>  before running lintian. This
> prevents screwing up the "real" lintian installation.
> You still have to edit profiles/debian/main.profile and add
> the "metadata"check, otherwise the check won't be executed.
> I suggest using  lintian -I to get  more detailed information.

I did so and it seems to work quite nicely.

> >Kind regards
> >
> >       Andreas.
> >
> Waiting for comments..

Lintian warns about

 [deprecated] Check module for metadata missing ".pm" extension (should be: /usr/share/lintian/checks/metadata.pm) at /usr/bin/lintian line 1186

which can easily be fixed by adding the .pm extension to the file. 

Otherwise I'm *very* happy about the check and it would really help
introducin it into main lintian.  I also think that a warning about a
non-YAML d/upstream file is quite important because even if the DEP is
not decided we should reserve this file in the namespace.

So from my point of view we should go on filing a bug report against
lintian to include this.

Many thanks for your work which is highly regarded



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