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Re: packaging RProtoBuf: permissions only patches?

On 21/04/2016 18:27, Andreas Tille wrote:
On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 06:15:20PM +1000, Jonathon Love wrote:
what's the best way that i should get rid of these lintian warnings?
I havn't checked but usually I solve permission issues in R packages
by simply injecting:

	chmod -x $(debRlib)/$(cranName)/file_with_wrong_permission

in debian/rules.

perfect! works a charm!

my next hurdle is to do with tests. normally, the contents of an R packages tests directory ends up in /usr/share/doc/$packagename/tests

so in this example:


i'd expect `runUnitTests.R` to turn up in


however, this doesn't happen. i usually begin a package by copy/pasting an existing one, so i'm quite puzzled by this.

any suggestions as to what i'm doing wrong?

with thanks


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