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Moving some R packages to Debian Science team

Hi Chris and Julian,

I'm currently busy updating all R packages of Debian Science team to the
latest upstream version and making sure they have autopkgtests if
possible.  I checked UDD and found that some of your packages are also
lagging behind upstream:

udd=# select * from (select distinct u.source, u.version, debian_uversion, debian_mangled_uversion, upstream_version, status, s.maintainer from upstream u join sources s on u.source = s.source where u.source like 'r-%' or u.source in (select distinct source from packages where package like 'r-%' and source not like 'r-%' and release = 'sid') and status like 'newer package%') zw where status != 'up to date' and (maintainer like 'Chris%' or maintainer like 'Julian%');
     source     |  version  | debian_uversion | debian_mangled_uversion | upstream_version |         status          |              maintainer              
 erm            | 0.14-0-6  | 0.14-0          | 0.14-0                  | 0.15-7           | newer package available | Julian Gilbey <jdg@debian.org>
 mcmcpack       | 1.3-7-1   | 1.3-7           | 1.3-7                   | 1.3-8            | newer package available | Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org>
 raschsampler   | 0.8-6-1   | 0.8-6           | 0.8-6                   | 0.8-8            | newer package available | Julian Gilbey <jdg@debian.org>
 r-cran-coda    | 0.18-1-1  | 0.18-1          | 0.18-1                  | 0.19-1           | newer package available | Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org>
 r-cran-gam     | 1.12-2    | 1.12            | 1.12                    | 1.14             | newer package available | Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org>
 r-cran-geepack | 1.2-0.2-1 | 1.2-0.2         | 1.2-0.2                 | 1.2-1            | newer package available | Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org>
 zelig          | 4.2-1-1   | 4.2-1           | 4.2-1                   | 5.0-13           | newer package available | Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org>

I'd volunteer to do the following if you agree:

  1. Moving the said packages to Debian Science Git repository
     using dgit.  I'll put you as Uploader for these packages
     and the Debian Science team as maintainer
  2. Updating to latest upstream version
  3. Migrating the packaging from cdbs to dh-r
  4. Rename the source packages of erm, mcmcpack, raschsampler
     and zelig to r-cran-* to have a consistent naming scheme
     which makes spotting those packages easier in QA tools.

Please tell me whether you agree with this.

Kind regards



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