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Re: [help] How to build library and python module correctly

Kentaro Hayashi <kenhys@xdump.org> writes:

> Hi,
> I want to solve the following bug when import library 
> from python, but I'm not sure how to do it yet.
> So, I want to know correct way to fix it. [1]
> The problem is:
> import sentencepiece raise "undefined symbol" - 
> python3-sentencepiece: undefined symbol _ZN13sentencepiece4util6StatusD1Ev
> There is a bit differ from other python3 module package because
> python3-sentencepiece must be built from sentencepiece source package
> with libsentencepiece at the same time.
> More details:
> Undefined symbol _ZN13sentencepiece4util6StatusD1Ev means
> sentencepiece::util::Status::~Status().
> Then, checked whether the symbol is exported or not.
> $ nm -D /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libsentencepiece.so.0.0.0 | grep
> _ZN13sentencepiece4util6StatusD1Ev
> 000000000008e6b0 T _ZN13sentencepiece4util6StatusD1Ev
> Thus, it seems that libsentencepiece is built as expectedly.


If python3-sentencepiece needs symbols from libsentencepiece0, should it
not depend on it?


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