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Re: Please help to reproduce (Was: shiny-server: server-function don't run)

reopen 1016732

Hi Yadd,

On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 07:45:35PM +0000, Krüger, Sebastian wrote:
> I'm not a Shiny user either (so far), however the plan is for our institute to provide Shiny applications for certain users. (I will probably write some of these applications at some point, and I also administrate the web server...).
> My test system: I have a current Debian sid with R, cleaned from nodejs (apt...) and thus without shiny-server.
> Now I install the shiny-server (apt install shiny-server).
> In the packages r-cran-shiny and shiny-server are sample applications. I copied the examples from the r-cran-shiny package (e.g. /usr/lib/R/site-library/shiny/examples/01_hello) to /srv/shiny-server and could (after restarting shiny-server (systemctl restart shiny-server)) access the application via firefox: http://localhost:3838/01_hello/ .
> These applications consist of a UI part (user interface) and a result part. In the UI part, the web user can set (e.g.) parameters for the display in the result part.
> The problem: After installation, only the UI part is visible via the web browser.
> The result part is probably not visible because it does not receive any data from the UI part.
> With the help of a deb package for the Shiny sever from rstudio and the Debian package, I had at some point identified the sockjs installation as the problem...
> To get the Shiny application running (in the current scenario), I got the latest version of sockjs from github, "comped" it with npm () and then replaced the javascript files under "/usr/share/nodejs/sockjs/lib/" (from the Debian installation) with the files from the sockjs (github) package tree ".../node_modules/sockjs/lib/".
> After restarting the Shiny server, you can now also see the result part in the web browser and the Shiny application works. 
> I am not a javascript/coffeescript friend or expert. The only thing I could see is that both my sockjs scripts and the Debian ones are based on the same github version (https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-node/releases/tag/v0.3.24), but the Debian version was generated with coffescript 2.7.0 and "my" version was generated with coffescript 1.12.7.

Looks like the coffeescript thingy in #1016732 is still unfixed and I've re-opened the BR. Could you please
consider taking another look?


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