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Re: Using videos in presentations

Bonjour Pierre,

El 18/9/23 a les 21:28, Pierre Gruet ha escrit:




in the preamble (movie15.sty being provided by texlive-latex-extra), one can later include a movie with, for instance,

        \includemovie[poster, controls]{.75\paperwidth}{.75\paperheight}{path/to/video}

which is not perfect though, as (with evince, on Debian) it prints some funny picture on the slide, then I have to exit full screen during the presentation and click the picture to launch the video -- it has been far enough for me for many years. Running the same .pdf with other operating systems could give you a better result, amazingly.

Maybe some better rendering can be achieved with the options of \includemovie -- see the docs.

Reading [1], it seems that movie15 is deprecated. media9 is the package to use (texlive-latex-extra), but stills has some lacks. In any case, it is not an easy task.



[1] https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Questions/How_can_I_embed_a_video_in_my_PDF_using_LaTeX%3F

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