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Re: Removing ATLAS?

On 2023-11-05 14:02, Sébastien Villemot wrote:
Le samedi 08 juillet 2023 à 10:01 +0200, Sébastien Villemot a écrit :
As the maintainer of the atlas package over the last decade, I now
wonder whether we should remove it from the archive.

Since the present thread seems to indicate that there to be a consensus
towards removing atlas from Debian, I am going to move forward.

Please find below a bug report template, which I plan to use for
reporting bugs against the ~20 packages that currently have a (build-
)dependency against atlas. Feedback is welcome.

As a consequence, please drop any (build-)dependency on atlas.

This should normally be straightforward to achieve, by simply replacing atlas
with another BLAS (and possibly also LAPACK) implementation.

The typical setup is to build depend on the Netlib reference implementation (libblas-dev and possibly also liblapack-dev), and to not enforce anything in
dependencies of binary packages.

I would make these paragraphs stronger, emphasising that the build should always normally be done against generic BLAS/LAPACK, with the optimised libraries to be used at runtime rather than build-time. For Build-Depends, we tend to use alternatives with the generic build placed first to be picked up by buildds, while not getting in the way of anyone building for themselves locally (with an optimised implementation installed)

My suggested wording might be

As a consequence, please drop any (build-)dependency on atlas.

This should be straightforward to achieve, by simply replacing atlas
with another BLAS (and possibly also LAPACK) implementation.

Normally, packages should Build-Depend on the Netlib reference implementation (libblas-dev, and liblapack-dev where required), and to *not* enforce anything in the Depends field of binary packages (dpkg-shlibs will automatically add the
appropriate "libblas3 | libblas.so.3" entry to ${shlibs:Depends}).

Alternative implementations may be given in Build-Depends for the ease of users making local builds with an optimised implementation installed, but the generic reference implementation should be placed first to be used by buildds.
The simplest example is
  Build-Depends: libblas-dev | libblas.so
  Build-Depends: liblapack-dev | liblapack.so
where specific optimised implementations may provide libblas.so/liblapack.so

If a specific optimised implementation is preferred at runtime, that could be hinted in the order or alternative Build-Depends,
Build-Depends: libblas-dev | libopenblas-dev | libblis-dev | libblas.so
Build-Depends: libblas-dev | libblis-dev | libopenblas-dev | libblas.so though that will not affect buildds which will use the first alternative libblas-dev in any case. (it will also not affect the entry automatically added to ${shlibs:Depends}).


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