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Le samedi 07 mai 2011 ? 17:13:57 (+0200 CEST), Julien Valroff a ?crit?:
> Le samedi 07 mai 2011 ? 09:46:02 (+0200 CEST), Christophe Monniez a ?crit?:
> > Le samedi 07 mai 2011 ? 09:15 +0200, Julien Valroff a ?crit :
> > Unfortunately, I have too much work this week and will not be able to
> > work on sleuthkit package before mai 12th.
> > 
> > I will probably need help on how to de-embed sqlite and I don't really
> > understand the last Error.
> I have just pushed the "easy" changes. I am unfortunately not skilled for
> de-embedding sqlite.

I have worked on Sleuth Kit and the package seems now in good shape.

I have managed to lin dynamically against libsqlite3 rather than using the
embedded copy which was linked statically: as from sqlite.c headers, this
was only meant to improve performance by "5% or more" - which doesn't seem
that signifcant compared to the potential problems embedding this could

However, I would appreciate if some of you could actually test the packages
and report any issue linked to this change - I do not use sleuthkit nor

Thanks in advance.

  .''`.   Julien Valroff ~ <julien at kirya.net> ~ <julien at debian.org>    
 : :'  :  Debian Developer & Free software contributor
 `. `'`   http://www.kirya.net/
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