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Re: RFS: HexWalk Request for sponsor

Hi Samuel,

thank you for your response,

I just added the debian folder content to the repository on github as you asked.

It's the first time for me in packaging for the official debian repository, so I appreciate your help in this task.

There is no problem for me to put the project also on your salsa if needed, I even tried to login with google, but it tells me that my mail is not allowed,

Let me know what are the next steps,

Thank you again,


 07/04/2024 21:25, Samuel Henrique wrote:

Hello carmix,

I would like to have it into Debian and I have started following the guides
so I packaged it on mentors:


I made a ITP and a RFS, now I need a sponsor, I saw that in this
team there is ImHex software that is something similar to mine, so I think this should be the right place where to put it,
I don't see any issue with maintaining the package under the team, although we
will have to talk about how the packaging will be done.

I see that the package lists https://github.com/gcarmix/hexwalk as the
Vcs-Browser field in d/control. That field should point to a repository that
contains the packaging source, and I don't see that in github. Maybe you had
the intention of pushing that only after the package was uploaded, but I would
like to understand your plan regarding this.

Ideally, we should have the packaging done on salsa under our team at
https://salsa.debian.org/groups/pkg-security-team/, do you intend to do that or
to keep the packaging merged with the upstream code on Github? That's a
possibility, but it will make it considerably harder for other Debian
contributors to help, but keeping it on salsa will add some overhead to you as
upstream and maintainer, as you would have to keep the packaging somewhere

For the review itself, can you push the packaging in the form of a git
repository? You can create a repo on salsa under you username or push it to
github for now, at least.


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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