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Bug#508031: Tracking vulnerabilities that have already been patched in other distributions

* Michael Gilbert <michael.s.gilbert@gmail.com> [2008-12-07 15:03]:
> Oftentimes, a fix gets released for other distributions, and then it
> takes weeks or months for Debian to apply the same fix.  I wonder if
> this is primarily a communication issue and whether including this
> type of information in the tracker would help reduce this lag.  The
> intent would be to increase the security team/package maintainers
> awareness of existing patches.
> Some current examples (not a comprehensive list, I only spent 5
> minutes on this):
> CVE-2008-4552: fixed in ubuntu [1]
> CVE-2008-2379: fixed in fedora [2]

Since we don't just blindly apply fixes from other 
distributions and there still needs to be someone who can 
check this additional information I fail to see that this 
is needed for us.

Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - nion@jabber.ccc.de - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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