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DSA-5332 Missing from your cross references page



I am hoping you can help with an issue we are seeing.


We are using your page (https://www.debian.org/security/crossreferences) for cross references of Debian Security Advisories so that we can link the advisories to impacted CVEs. We have noticed that the following Security Advisory is missing:




Can you tell us whether there is a reason for this, or has this just been missed? If missed, would it be possible to get this data added please?







Steve Mouer, Vice President | Product Management - Vulnerability Management | Cybersecurity and Technology Controls | JPMorgan Chase & Co.

1 Chaseside, Bournemouth, BH7 7DA | T: +44 (0) 1202 323562 |Email: steve.mouer@jpmorgan.com  | go/cybervm


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