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chrooting bind9

I'm setting up my new server, based on Debian Woody.
I'm setting bind9 in a chroot jail.
There are two chances to do this:
1) using parameter --chroot of 'start-stop-daemon'
2) using parameter -t of bind
In both ways I have to use -u parameter of bind to change user, otherwise it can't get privileged resources as the 'domain' socket.
Is there a difference in security with one method resspect to the other?
(I used makejail from testing to build up the structure of the jail).
Thank you in advance
        Stefano Salvi

Ing. Stefano Salvi           mailto:s.salvi@libero.it
Viale L. Vaschi, 15    mailto:stefano.salvi@inwind.it
46100 Mantova (MN)            mailto:salvi@itis.mn.it
+39 0376 321572      http://digilander.iol.it/salvis/
+39 0347 3820490        http://www.salvi.mn.it/stefano/

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