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Re: Should I use Snort/PortSentry?

On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 08:46:47PM -0400, Rob French wrote:

> So, are any network/port-related tools useful?

In my personal opinion it is ALWAYS usefull to know what is going on on your
system. No mather how little ports are open...

You said it was for your laptop, and thats why you should certainly use
these tools... A laptop travels with the owner and has the specific feature
of being plugged into the internal network most of the time. This is at home
as well as on location... 

Now imagin that in some way a bad guy can slip a troyan in your machine that
starts connections with the bad guy from inside the network in which your
laptop is plugged. As you plug your machine in various networks, it could
mean that the attacker gets access to all of these networks for the time you
are plugged in...

My guess is as good as yours, but I'd rather wanna be informed when someone
tries to slip such a troyan into my machine(s)... However, like everything in
life, it is not worth the effort if you're not going to check the logs after

Just my 2 cents (and yes there are more paranoia people on this globe :) )


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