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Re: bsign

Mario Ohnewald (mario.Ohnewald@gmx.de) wrote:
> Is there a bsign howto out there or any more info than the manpage?

How about "/usr/share/doc/bsign/README.gz"? ;)

> The problem i am stuck with at the moment is:
> bsign --sign -i / -e /proc -I -s --P "--homedir keydir"
> Enter pass phrase:

That's your PGP pass phrase. Above you're telling GnuPG to look for your
secret key in "keydir" and since the key obviously doesn't exist, signing

> bsign: incorrect passphrase or gpg not installed
> How can i set a passphrase?

Since bsign uses GnuPG for creating and verifying digital signatures, you
must first create a key pair with GnuPG.

See /usr/share/doc/bsign/README.gz for further details.

Ilta, http://iki.fi/ilta/

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