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Re: Packet sniffing & regular users

Incoming from David Mandelberg:
> s. keeling wrote:
> > Do you understand what "anyone can see anything" really means?  Have
> > you pumped tcpdump output into ethereal lately?
> >
> > "anyone can see anything" really means "anyone can see anything".
> > Think about it.  And what's the real reason why you don't want to
> > bother with sudo?
> I'm curious, but what's wrong with letting them sniff all hardware interfaces
> (i.e. not lo)? Any passwords or confidential data should be encrypted anyway

"... should be" != "are."  Are you sure no-one there's using telnet,
ftp, & etc?

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)    http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling      Please don't Cc: me.
- -

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