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Re: Bad press again...

also sprach Florian Weimer <fw@deneb.enyo.de> [2005.08.27.1648 +0200]:
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but the current team doesn't seem to want
> new members.  If you nevertheless force new members upon them, you
> are in fact looking for a complete replacement.  This is what
> I call "drastic".

When a bottleneck arises, you either widen the neck or remove that
which clogs the passage. Neither is more drastic than the other for
they are not alternatives; each is a solution to its own set of
problems, and if the current team blocks new members and yet does
not meet the general expectations of our users, it's essentially
more of a clog than a bottleneck.

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 .''`.     martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
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