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RE: Weird message in my apache error log

We have a match. See: - - [31/Jan/2006:07:29:58 +0100] "GET http://xxxx/prxjdg.cgi?ja
HTTP/1.0" 404 331 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"

Where the http address maps to an apparently compromised server where these people
have installed some kind of proxy (proxy judge ?)

> I've seen this type of thing with PHP; I was going to say something but I
> figured I would wait since you didn't mention it.  Can you correlate the
> time/date/ip with the request from access.log?  It might give you more
> information.  I can say, that we get attacked regularly on Sarge and we're a
> relatively high volume site with the similar specs, and I've not seen
> anything like this as a standard hack - my experience is that this is most
> often caused by not filtering/validating forms, global PHP variables, or PHP
> scripting errors.  I am very curious to know what's going on.

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