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Strange outbound connections

I have a web- and mail server that shows strange outbound connections.

If I

llserv:~# cat /proc/net/ip_conntrack

I get lines like this (one line, wraped by e-mail editor):

tcp 6 362459 ESTABLISHED src=my.server.s.ip dst= sport=80 dport=1575 [UNREPLIED] src= dst=my.server.s.ip sport=1575 dport=80 use=1

This appears as an 'outbound connection on port 1575' on my firewall gui. There are quite a few of those and they stay for days (probably more than a week), untill they 'magically' disappear again. The port numbers are all large, say larger than 1024 and up to about 60000 and all different.

netstat -a --numeric
or netstat -plant

doesn't report anything on these connections.

lsof -i

doesn't neither.

I've run chkrootkit on the filesystem from a Knoppix CD and it found nothing.

I've run ethereal for hours and it found nothing.

If I
llserv:~# grep "" /var/log/apache2/access.log

I see some hits, but they are days old and all have a http status code of 200 (OK), 304 (not modified) or 206 (partial content).

From all this I would guess, that nothing is wrong; however, I am still slightly worried, why my server would initiate an outgoing connection on non-standard ports to 'strange' IPs (ie. ones without dns entries).

How could I make *sure* that everything is ok?
How could I determine which process matches this connection?
Is there a way to set a limit on how long such connections remain open?

Thanks for any help and links!


NB: I'm running debian sarge (stable) on this mail and web server.

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