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Re: securing /var/www or web content


How is that going to solve the problem?
His user doesn't have /var/www as a home ; the issue is /var/www is

The files in your /var/www should strictly speaking only be accessible to
your webserver ; for apache usually www-data or apache or httpd accounts
should have rwx permissions.
Grep for these in /etc/passwd if unsure which one to use.

You could then set the permissions to xy0 for /var/www with chmod.
Test, if your site doesn't funtion adequately anymore, set the permissions
for "other" to "r"(4) only.
So for instance: chmod -R 770 www-data:www-data (www-data is the account
under which the apache daemon runs on Debian).

Check out: man chmod
man chrgrp

Have fun


On Mon, February 27, 2006 1:44 am, Olivier Papauré said:
> You can try to create a user with useradd and the -d option.
>>From man useradd :
>  "The options which apply to the useradd command are:
>        -d home_dir
>               The new user will be created using home_dir as the value for
> the
>               user's login directory.  The default is to append the login
> name
>               to default_home and use that as the login directory name."
> --
> Debian Addict site : http://www.debianaddict.org
> 2006/2/25, Arnel Pastrana <arnelgp@aiias.edu>:
>> Hi,
>> May I know what are the possibilities to secure the content of my www
>> folder?
>> I want my local user to access because right now when login as an
>> ordinary user using ssh i can delete the content of my www folder.
>> What will I do? any idea?
>> Thank you,
>> Arnel Pastrana
>> arnelgp@gmail.com
>> " The key is not to prioritize your shedule but to prioritize your
>> priorities."  --- Stephen R Covey
>> --
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Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it. -
Irving Berlin

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