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Re: debian wheezy i386 nginx iframe rootkit

On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 07:15:57PM +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
 > > The lynx webrowser shows this as the first line of the webpages:
 > Local on the machine in question or external?


 > > IFRAME:
 > >
 > > It also appears in downloads using wget.
 > > "view source" in firefox or chrome show nothing amiss.

External.  I figure firefox and chrome discard the new line, since it's
not appropriate before the doctype.

 > > It only appears on IPv4, not IPv6.
 > Again, are the browsers local to the machine in question or accessing
 > from the network?


 > Okay, so, if it isn't something on an external box hijacking the IP
 > address of the box in question, it's a local process or set of
 > processes hijacking port 80 and trying unsuccessfully to be a
 > pass-through proxy.

Yes. The same as the rootkit in 64-bit squeeze last year.

 > How much time/resources can you afford to spend on trying to pin the
 > intrusion vector down?
 > Although, I'd hesitate to use the box for anything important, even
 > after a complete wipe/install, unless the BIOS can be safely restored
 > from a write-protected backup image. And I'd try to be careful enough
 > during the install that if the exploit were repeated, I'd notice
 > immediately and thus be able to pin the thing more closely.
 > Maybe build the server as a VM and take snapshots as you go. Or
 > rebuild it on a different machine, with the old server  reboot from a
 > live CD before each major step and use the tools on the live CD to
 > take the snapshots.
 > --
 > Joel Reese

This is a KVM virtual machine in a datacenter.  No BIOS.  I can wait a
few days to rebuild.  It's off right now, I'm not going to trust it for

   E Frank Ball          frankb@efball.com

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