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Re: openjdk-7 security updates after JDK 7 End of Public Updates

Francis Devereux <francis@devrx.org> schrieb:
> Hi,
> According to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/eol-135779.html, Oracle JDK 7 will reach "end of public updates" status in April. I believe that OpenJDK 7 will reach EOL at the same time or soon afterwards.
> Will the openjdk-7 packages in wheezy continue to receive security updates after this date, or should I plan to move to, for example, OpenJDK 8, if I need a security-supported version of Java?

We're using icedtea instead of the Oracle releases and icedtea has longer
support time frame, e.g. Java 6 is EOLed by Oracle for a long time while
new releases for icedtea are still made.


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