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RE: "Ian Murdock" Death


Lee -

Thank you.  The questions here are a part of an overall investigation
which involved peoples identities, people faking identities, suicides,
mental health, the personal wealth of engineers that contribute greatly
to society (and are not rewarded financially for such), personal
issues (core engineers being abused by law enforcement, police and/or
other actors to compromise infrastructure), and many other things.

I request people put "extra mental bandwidth" into responses to reduce
errors and increase accuracy. I have not monitored Debian
issues personally, but I am now.  

  * Most people here agree that this is accurate "Ian Murdock was a
    of Debian and his involvement was reduced after 1998".

  * "Ian Murdock" was a real person that committed suicide, in general
    compliance with the following:

  * "Ian Murdock" is NOT "Ian Jackson" which shows up in the Wayback
     and these are two separate people.

Is the above accurate, yes or no?

Does anyone know of any hard material / empirical information that would
falsify and/or counter the accuracy of the above statements?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: "Ian Murdock" Death
From: <lpackham@leenux.org.uk>
Date: Sat, July 16, 2016 6:58 am
To: Kyle Lussier <kyle@countervaillance.com>, Norbert Kiszka
<norbert@linux.pl>, "debian-security@lists.debian.org"
Cc: Kyle Lussier <kyle@countervaillance.com>, Michael
<mikethompson@gmx.co.uk>, Salvatore Bonaccorso <carnil@debian.org>

If you’d of done your research (which you clearly haven’t) then
you’d know that Ian was the founder and was not the leader of the
organisation from 1998. Sorry but this isn’t a ‘real’
investigation. If it was you’d of done your research. Coming on to
this mailing list and behaving the way you are is not appropriate. I
suggest you take this to a more appropriate list because this isn’t

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