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Re: New docbook packages

Quoting Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>:

> / Mark Johnson <mark@phy.duke.edu> was heard to say:
> | 
> | 
> | docbook-simple: includes V4.1.2.4,,
> | 		(I left the entity links out for now,
> | 		I can change them when Ardo policizes.)
> I don't understand the comment about entity links, but maybe that's .deb
> related. (I sometimes wish SGML hadn't used the term "entity" :-)
Yeah, it is .deb related. I meant that I kept the same directory structure with
respect to entities as in your original distribution. And that I used the entity
files you provide. This is different from some debian dtd packages that use
symlinks to refer to already installed entities. 

> Please ditch and from that distribution. is
> backwards compatible with those releases, I believe, and I'm trying
> to wean them away from the world :-)

Happily. What about the removed titleabbrev and articleinfo elements from
versions > Doesn't this removal break the backward compatibility with
versions <

I'll gladly ditch 'em if you still feel that backward compatability won't break.
> | docbook-xsl-stylesheets: v1.25 experimental didn't work correctly.
> | 			 Replaced it with v1.24, which works fine.
> What didn't work correctly?

When testing my docbook-xsl-tools package (XT + catalog classes) I kept getting
problems with (I think) UTF-8 encoding when using the /html/xtchunk.xsl
stylesheet with full DocBook XML 4.1.2. I would get what looked like
scandinavian characters (~angstrom a's) with the thingee over the A in place of
the prev/next nav links for a one-page document that wasn't supposed to have the
links anyway.

The output of xhtml/xtchunk.xsl was ok, but I had to change the filename
extension from xhtm to html. 

Doesn't this happen to you?

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