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Re: packaging TEI

Adam Di Carlo <adam@onshore.com> writes:

> I know TEI is not really as favored as DocBook, but it seems that a
> lot of people use it.  I think the DTD at least ought to be packaged
> in Debian.

Unfortunately, you may find that the nature of TEI makes it difficult
to package "the" TEI DTD, unless you just go with TEILite:


> I don't know if there are any DSSSL or XSL stylesheets for it, those
> of course would be nice too.

In fact, Sebastian Rahtz <sebastian.rahtz@oucs.ox.ac.uk> (JadeTeX,
PassiveTeX, etc.) has created XSL stylesheets for TEI:


On a related note, is there any possibility of a Debian package for

   --Mike Smith

Michael Smith          mailto:smith@xmlhack.com
xmlhack                http://xmlhack.com/
xml-doc                http://xml-doc.org/

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