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FYI, some notes on our proposed XML catalog registration stuff.

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Comments from the RedHat front on XML catalog registration.  Note the
critical issue of the xml-base pkgname being evil.  Otherwise it seems
like our plan is good, though I would like to look at a RH box and see
what they do.

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On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 10:40:55AM -0600, Adam DiCarlo wrote:
> >   Note also that Debian, as an XML platform is really late, 80% of the
> > people complaining on the Gnome list or IRC are Debian users without catalogs
> > or screwed catalogs, just too many of them copy /etc/sgml/catalog to 
> > /etc/xml/catalog and complain it doesn't work. You have a lot of work
> > to be done apparently. Hope this can be fixed fast, as I said I do the
> > end support for most of the libxml2/libxslt users independantly of their
> > system/OS/distro and Debian is a pain in this respect.
> I understand and sympathize.  
> Does RedHat do central XML catalog registry?  E.g., does the


> docbook-xml catalog register it's entities?  I didn't think it did.

  it does of course, as well as the stylesheets.

> If it doesn't, how is Debian more problematic than RedHat?  Is it just

  the catalogs are in place for more than 2 Red Hat releases.

> I really am not trying to get into a "which distro is better" issue.
> I just want to learn from your experience and do what is right for
> users.

   We rely on the catalogs being present with registred DocBook XML Dtd
 and XSLT for all the Gnome2 documentation work. Even scrollkeeper's DTD
is registrated in the XML catalogs

> I wonder if I could bounce the proposed approach off you.  I did a
> sketch of what we're wroking towards in
> <URL:http://lists.debian.org/debian-sgml/2002/debian-sgml-200212/msg00004.html>.
> Any comments about that approach?

  We delegate into sub catalogs of course for efficiency and better management.
xml-base is a wrong name, it's the name of a W3C XML specification, highly 
  Sub catalogs register public, system, uri, uri rewite, system rewrite,
kind of rules.
  /etc/xml should be part of the core filesystem infrastructure
  /etc/xml/catalog is dynamically augmented/reduced as new XML envs are
      added or removed from the system. Delegates are the usual way to do

  I suggest you install a Red Hat 8 box to have an idea, and see how we do it.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network https://rhn.redhat.com/
veillard@redhat.com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/

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...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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