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Re: Debian ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~µo~~

>>>>> "Foka" == Anthony Fok <foka@ualberta.ca> writes:

    Foka>   请问在座各位,有谁已经递交了加入 Debian developer 的申请文
    Foka> 件?据我所知的,有 Shao Zhang 和 spacehunt 两位仁兄。Levin
    Foka> Lee 有没有?还有没有其他朋友已经申请了,而也是等了很久而没有回
    Foka> 音?请报上名来,(真实英文姓名及申请时所用的 e-mail 邮址),我
    Foka> 会转寄名单给 New-maintainer负责人,让他看看能否早日处理。谢谢
    Foka> ! ^_^

I will apply for being a debian maintainer, but won't
contribute too much on Chinese specific in the near future. So
I'll wait 'till they re-open the New Maintainer. After
potato?  Regards,

P.s. I did a partial translation for _Debian Packaging Manual_
when I was teaching myself how to package a *.deb, but after
awhile, I just stop translating it after finished almostly
the first two chapters. I did read most of Debian-doc's, anyways, ;)

If any of you interested in pick up this, please feel free to go on.
And please be kindly to let me know. ;)

The license, surely is DFSG compliant.

You could find my unfinished translations in my homepage. See sig..
It is in *.txt because at that time I'm not familiar with *TeX then.

P.p.s. Will they resolve that kind of problem if I can't meet
face-to-face to *none* of official Debian developers, when they
re-open the New-maintainer? 

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