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Re: Nightly builds of sourceforge (e.g. glx)

In article <Pine.SOL.4.10a.10001311946120.29591-100000@red.csi.cam.ac.uk>,
Jules Bean  <jmlb2@hermes.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, Ben Armstrong wrote:

Ho hum, only six months too late... but then again, there's been no
traffic since then.

>> This is an idea I've been tossing about with some other developers
>> on irc.  It would be nice to have an automated build (nightly or
>> otherwise) of sourceforge.  My particular area of interest is glx
>> at:
>> 	http://utah-glx.sourceforge.net/
>> I am told that all I need to do is get it from CVS and execute
>> 	debian/buildsnap
>> Still, this is a bit more painful than necessary ... if *every*
>> Debian user had to do this, just think of the waste of time &
>> effort.  Why can't a debian.org box do a debian/buildsnap for
>> glx (and, indeed, as many other sourceforge packages as possible)
>> and put them up as a debian-snap (or debian-woody-snap?) distro
>> to add as a deb line to apt/sources.list?
>Or indeed, any other CVS project.  Sourceforge or not. The GNOME CVS tree
>springs to mind.  (it's with GNOME in mind that Jim started the -snapshots
>list, I believe)

I have one of these running (have had since ~Nov 1999) for Wine.
A script generates a new Debian package using the existing
"official" Debian package with CVS source code from Wine overlaid
on top of it.  It's relatively stable--the only changes I've had
to make since November 1999 were required to adjust the paths when I
replaced four SCSI disks with one IDE disk last month.


is the home page, complete with apt sources.list.  

The policy is, "if you have Drunkard's apt line in your sources.list,
you get Drunkard's Wine package, otherwise you don't."

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