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Re: unimplemented system calls

> Just to let you know: after I upgraded using apt to the latest packages, I
> get lot's of unimplemented system calls (103, 119, etc.) on my sparc running
> 2.0.34. Don't know if other people noticed the same?

I seem to remember a big stink a while back about unimplemented system calls,
including 103 & 119.  This was fixed in later stable kernel snapshots.  I'm
just guessing here, but it could be that libc6 2.0.95 is using more of these
syscalls than previous versions, so if you don't have the implementation from
the latest kernels you're sunk.

Try upgrading to 2.0.35, using the 8-10 snapshot on vger.rutgers.edu.  That
might fix it.

Mike "No .sig for you" Shuey

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